If im to die

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The day is here. The day where history will be written, whether if I die or not. Today is redemption day.

I stand before the mirror she used to get ready. She used it for warpaint mainly, but on special occasions she looked to make sure she looked presentable. I do the same now. I look at myself now and see my slim figure which is tense, my black hair which is usually straight is now in complicated braids, just like hers.
I take the blade on the dresser and place the blade lightly on my palm, pressing down and swiping it quickly, cutting open my hand. I stare and watch the black seep out of the wound. I form my hand into a fist and collect the dripping blood with my other hand, after a while opening them to find my hands covered in my own blood.

I look to the mirror now and put my hands over my eyes and close them, swiping my hands and smearing the blood from my eyes to my hairline and down. I open my eyes to examine the warpaint Lexa designed for me.

I look at myself in the glass and feel like somethings missing. I reach into the dresser where we kept our shoulder plates, and automatically my hand reaches for the smaller one with the blue sash. My hands then hover over Lexa's sash. Today might be the last day a natblida wears the sash of the commanders into battle.

I inhale slowly and pick it up, examining it and running my fingers along the red silk and then to the metal, tracing the carvings and edges, and I see Lexa, leading us to war while wearing it.

I place the shoulder plate on my left shoulder, fluffing the red silk and clipping the belt, adjusting it so it fits. I whip around and walk towards the doors, out of her room, my guards waiting for me.

"Teik em laud troumom-de." (Sound the horn) I demand. One runs off, spreading my message to others.

I sit on the throne, waiting for the ambassadors from each clan to arrive. It takes longer for them to show as it was on such a short notice. But when they all arrive I stand.

"Monin." (Welcome) i say.

They all get up and now on their knees, and wait for them to sit back down.

"I have gathered all of you here today for a purpose, an important one. Our people cry out for bloodshed. But with Lexa's and Ontari's death, and I, the last natblida, there is no conclave necessary to chose a natblida to ascend to Heda. But however, this is redemption day. And there will be a conclave!

"Bring in the accused!" I order.

My guards open the doors and being in a handcuffed and gaged Titus, forcing him into his knees before me.

"A conclave in which I fight Titus in the arena."
Shocked faces whisper amongst themselves and I allow them to for a few seconds.

"Hosh op." I say sternly. (Silence)

"I understand your confusion but they cry out for blood, and I will give that to them, even if it's my own blood that is shed." I take a breath and continue. "If I win I become Heda and rule over the thirteen clans and help birth a new system using our faith to chose the next leader.

I will take place as Heda until Lexa awakes, and then if she doesn't. If Titus wins he will be the one figuring out the next a future selections of leaders, and then he may be trialed. If he gets enough ambassadors to wish him another chance he may stay, if the vote fails, this prisoner will be banished from all the lands that all the Commander rules." I finish. There's a long uncomfortable moment of silence, and weary uncertain eyes look up to me.

"Anyone wish to question my decisions?" I ask.

"Why can't we just kill him now?" The ice nation ambassador suggests. Others nod and mumble agreements.

"He will live, but he will live with the ghosts of those who he has lost, haunted to the end of his days by them and the knowledge that he may have killed not one but two commanders he swore to protect, ending a historical faith to us, ending the reign of natblida commanders, which is worse than death itself." I say, glaring and locking eyes with Titus.

"Are you going to ascend to Heda before the conclave?" Another ambassador asks.

"What's the point of ascending if I might die?" I ask sheepishly.

"Gon we, you are dismissed." (Everybody out)
At once the room clears, except one.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!" Clarke yells.

"Clarke don't test me right now!" I respond angrily.

"I'm going to! Your the last night-blooded Commander! And your sending yourself into battle!" She exclaims.

"I know damn well what I'm doing Clarke, I need you to trust that I know what I'm doing!"

"I can't let you do this." Clarke whispers.

"You're all I have left."

"Ai gonplei nou ste odon, Klark." (My fight isn't over, Clarke) Trust me."

She studies my face for a few seconds, and she sighs.

"Ok, I will."

I Am The Last Nightblood (the 100)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin