The sun will rise & we will try again

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Hey guys it's the author! I have one warning for this one which on this chapter there is some graphic detail about a wound but other than that it should be good. Also in this one I do use some trigedasleng so if your unfamiliar I will put the translation next to it in these (———) Enjoy and as always I love hearing feedback!

It's been days and no one has seen Clarke. She didn't come out of Lexa's quarters for Abby, or Octavia, or the guards, or even to eat. She stays in her room, alone and quiet.

When I approach the door I take a deep breath and look down at the bread, cheese, and milk I prepared for her, hoping to be able to coax her to eat at least some of the meal. I look back up, swallow my fear, and knock.

"yes?" Clarke's voice rings out, exhaustion laced in it.

"Clarke, it's Rena." I say her nickname for me softly.

"Come in." A voice calls. I open the door with my back while balancing the plate on one hand and milk on another and step in, closing the door behind me with my foot. The room seems to be relatively untouched. Some of the chairs and furniture have been moved back to their original spots, like some of the plush couches. The blood, now dried, is still on the marble floor. I walk around the pillar and see Clarke sitting on the bed next to Lexa, her sketchbook beside her, her eyes red and puffy from sleepless nights and endless tears. She wears the same clothes, her once burgundy red shirt now stained with splatters and smears of black.

"I never see you at meals, so I brought this in case," I say softly. She looks at me then to the tray for a second nods and mutters a thanks and turns her attention back to the sunlight streaming through the curtains. I set down the meal on the table in the middle of the room and slowly walk towards the bed, my bare feet pattering against the floor. I sit next to her and pull her in a hug and she leans into me.

"It's not your fault, Clarke," I whisper to her as I stroke her hair.

"It is my fault," Clarke whispers back. "Titus warned me that if I didn't leave he would do something terrible," Clarke sniffs.

"When did he tell you that?" I ask.

"Yesterday before the shooting and the attack," Clarke whispers. "I was going to leave I was on my way to say goodbye to Lexa and I heard the gunshots and-" Clarke's voice rises and I cut her off by shushing her and stroking her hair.

"We dont know if the attack had something or anything to do with you Clarke." I murmur.

"The timing was too perfect for it not to be," Clarke says.

I think about this for a minute. Could Titus have contacted the ice queen and told them to attack? Was this his plan if Clarke didn't leave?
We sit in silence and I wonder this, calculating how long it could have possibly taken for Titus to send riders to Azgeda, called upon the queens presence and formed a plan. My thoughts are interrupted by Clarke's soft voice on the edge of tears.

"I loved her."

This takes me a back for a moment, it was so sudden and unexpected that I almost felt shock. I knew Clarke cared for her but she is very guarded about using the term love. Lexa is the same, which was one way they bonded after they set they're differences aside for the betterment of their people.

And then I see Lexa's face in my mind, her eyes sparkling and how her cheeks lifted into a smile that used to be so rare but was now common whenever she was around her, and I know what to say.

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