Only Mama Knows

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"Octavia, do you know where Ver-" Bellamy's voice wakes me. I open my eyes and see him standing in the doorway, his eyes flickering between Octavia on the couch and me in the bed. Oh no this probably looks bad. I raise my hand and turn over onto my side, my back to him.

"I'm right here, no we didn't fuck, and unless someone's dying or giving birth or bleeding out please leave me alone." I mumble. 

"The others headed out. Raven got into ALIE's code. ALIE'S In Polis." My body freezes. I sit up quickly and look to him. He stands in the doorway, his face hard.

"Take me to Raven." I demand. I hop out of bed, not caring that I'm in my undergarments. I snatch my clothes off the chair in the corner and throw them on in a rush. Octavia stirs and turns to look at us.

"ALIE'S in Polis." I repeat. Her eyes widen and she shoots off the couch, into the bathroom. After a few seconds she emerges fully clothed, putting her hair in a ponytail.

"Let's go." She walks past us and out the door. We stare after her before I sigh.

"After you." Bellamy motions. I walk out and follow octavia's echoing footsteps.

"I can't believe how many people ALIE has now. You see this cluster? That's a building. But all this. These are minds. It's full of them, thousands. She's taken all of Polis, too. ALIE's army is growing, the longer we wait to go in the stronger she gets." I hear Raven's voice in the distance. We find her and Monty sitting, looking at a monitor full of words and what seems to be some sort of code.

"Let me see." I lean next to Raven. She points out specific writings, telling me what they mean.

"The kill code is in the AI." Raven states. She looks at me, and the rest. "But in order to access it you need a nightblood. Who would they use?"

"Lexa." I whisper. They all turn to me, confused. "She's in a coma but she's still in polis, if she's chipped and given the flame she's still in the flame, and could tell Allie the kill code."

"What are you saying, are you suggesting we go in? And where's Clarke?" Monty asks.

"Harper is getting Clarke and the others, and I don't know. We have Becca's back door password, we don't need Clarke, we have me, the code, the Flame in a host." Raven leans back, crossing her arms. "No offense." She looks to me.

"None taken." I'm still looking at the monitor. I examine the screen, a wave of guilt flowing over me. My people.

"You said the moment we use the password ALIE will know." Monty repeats Raven's words.

"I think so." Raven shrugs.

"Bellamy, lets go secure the airlocks." I suggest.  I know they're all sealed I just need to get away from here. My mind is fuzzy and I don't feel stable. He looks at me, nods, and walks out the door with me.

"I don't understand; I look at A.L.I.E.'s code and I see physics subroutines and collision meshes. But Raven sees the City of Light. It's not just code to her. It's real." My brows furrow. "Do you see it too?" I ask. We turn away from the airlock spaces and I head back towards the rooms.

"No, I'm as lost as you are. Aren't we going to the airlocks?"

"All secured; I just needed to get out of there."

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