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   I am met with sensations of hands clawing and grasping at me. I can hear voices in the distance, their whispers echoing through my head, but they seem far away, almost as if I was under water. Slowly a hot sensation starts at my feet. It's comfortable for a few moments, then it grows warmer and spreads, and then it burns. Hot, too hot.

  I squirm and try to free myself from the increasing heat. Soon my body feels like someone set me on fire, the flames licking and engulfing my body.

My vision clears and I feel tight restraints on my arms and legs, holding me in place. Slowly the smell of fire and burning flesh flood my mind. The pain increases slowly, eventually reaching the point where its unbearable. No words can possibly ever describe this agony. No cry or sound could ever make someone understand. I hear a piercing scream and realize it's my own, feeling the burn as an agonizing scream rips its way up my throat. People stand before me in orange bulky suits, watching the fire burn before them, me trapped in the middle.

"Please! Your making a mistake!" I cry out. But it's not my own voice, I know that. " I can help you! I can help you! You need me!" I scream. Somehow, the pain increases. But soon my voice fades along with the sound of the crackling fire engulfing my body, and suddenly the pain stops.

   I jolt awake and sit up in my bed suddenly, breathing and panting heavily.

The events I just witnessed, experienced, seem all to familiar. Like I've heard the tale of that dream before.

"Becca Pramheda." I gasp in realization.

I feel my heart pounding in my chest against my ribcage and I try to soothe it, taking slow deep breaths and shaking the horrific images from my head. The sensations of the pain a dull echo, but still there.

I am startled when my door opens with a loud crash. I panic and reach under my pillow and my hands clasp around the cold metal and aim before I see a familiar face, full of fear and urgency rushing in; Clarke.

   I scold her, sigh and but my gun down and grumble

"Did you seriously need to do that?" I say jokingly, plopping myself back down onto the furs and mess of pillows on my bed, wiping the sweat off my face with the back of my hand but her face doesn't change from the horrified expression, the desperation and urgency behind her eyes.

   "What's wrong?" I sit up again quickly. Clake rushes and urges me to hurry while talking.

   "We have to go there is an emergency, I'm going to take you Lexa's quarters."

    "What happened?!" I demand. She says nothing. I won't give up that easy.

   I quickly change into my plainclothes and armor and putting my shoulder piece on my left shoulder, snapping the belt that holds it on my shoulder across my chest and waist vertically. I sling my swords over my shoulder and my handgun from underneath my bed; Clarke removing hers from the waistband of her jeans. I nod and we move.

The echoes of our steps fill the long hallways as we flee. We rush up three flights of stairs to the very top of the tower. We are met with guards, tense and ready to fight and fall for their commander and sister if need be. That's one of the hard parts of being Heda; is looking your people and warriors in the eye and saying "go die for me."

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