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Hey, guys, it's the author! I'm really excited about this chapter because it's the first opposite point of view I'm gonna be doing of someone besides Amara, which in the future will be happening a lot. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

*At the dropship* POV; Octavia.

"Who would've thought it'd feel good to see the dropship?" Monty asks as we pull up.

"It's not." I reply sourly.

The rover stops, and I hop out, letting out a huff when the smell enters my senses. It's been months, and still the smell of burning wood, metal and flesh still reside in the air. The grass is slowly growing, filling up the space once more. But it will never be the same. I step on something and I hear it crack, only to realize that I stepped on someone. Or what used to be a person. That's our fault too.

The ground crunches beneath my feet as I walk amongst the dead. "We killed you, and you, and you.." I think as I pass. I hear snapping not too far behind me and I know Monty follows.

"I heard you tell Bellamy you were leaving." He starts. "Is that true? After everything we've been through?"

"Yeah." I shrug.

"Octavia." He walks towards me. "We're your people. We survived together."

"Lincoln was my people. I'm not Trikru I'm not Skaikru." I turn but don't continue to walk. "I'm nothing." My feet move forward on their own, towards the mouth of the dropship.

"Your one of the hundred." Monty calls out.
I stop in my tracks, my breath caught in my throat. I tilt my head to look at him. His eyebrows were burrowed, eyes watching me with sadness, concern written on his face.

"Not anymore." I turn and continue to walk through the night air without another word.

*Niylah's Trading Post* Pov; Verena

We sit in the room with Raven, waiting. My foot taps impatiently.

"Truth hurts." Jasper speaks, glaring at Clarke.

All eyes turn to him, watching him glare at her. She slowly turns, hurt hidden in her eyes. She takes a few steps towards him slowly, until she's only a few feet away.

"I'm sorry." She whispers. Her voice is full of pain.

"What?" Jasper asks.

"I never wanted to hurt Maya." She shakes her head softly. "I never wanted any of this."

Jasper doesn't say anything, he watches her quiet.

"I had to save our people." She was on the verge of tears.

"I was going to save everyone." Jasper snaps back, his voice thick.

"I wish I could've." Followed by a long moment of silence.

"You can shove your regret up your ass." He replies finally, fire in his voice. He bumps her shoulder as she walks away and out the door, all of the rest of us stunned in silence.

We now all sit in a uneasy silence, watching Raven and waiting for Monty and Octavia to return.

I Am The Last Nightblood (the 100)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon