Bury me face down

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As I storm through the hallways with my guards I hear the people whisper amongst themselves. I hear whispers of 'she's going to see Titus' or 'she's going to the prison' and 'hopefully there will be a decision soon'. The guards overhear this and look at me, and I give a curt nod, saying I heard what they said without speaking to them. We continue to walk deeper and deeper into the ground to the prison. When we arrive, Titus is on the floor, his hands and feet shackled.

"Leave us." I order.
All leave except one, Lexa's guard.

"Are you sure Verena?" His eyes flicker to Titus and back to me questioningly.

"Sha, Mochof." (Yes, thank you.)

He bows and walks out, closing the door behind him.

"I know what your thinking." I say bitterly.

He stays silent and keeps his gaze to the ground, but I know he's listening.

"You're wondering why I haven't ascended yet." I scoff.

"Your right, I am." He looks at me briefly, before returning his interest to the rock and stick he'd been playing with.

"And I'm here to tell you that I waited for the right time, which is now, for Becca Pramheda herself sent me a sign."

He looks up at me in disbelief at hearing her name. The first Natblida, the creator of nightblood and who helped save the human race on earth.

"Becca Pramheda?" He asks in shock. "She's never sent anyone a sign not even lex-"

"Don't you dare say her name!" I hiss at him. "She might be gone forever because of you Titus!" I yell at him.

"I was trying to save her! She would've gotten herself killed if she stayed with Clarke." He defends himself.

"Well you shot her and might have killed her anyway! You did! Not Clarke!" I yell louder. I know the guards outside the door can hear us but I don't care. "You are a disgrace to all Flamekeepers and Commanders! What you did poisoned our history and now we have no more natblidas! I am the last nightblood!" It rips through my throat as it claws it's way out. My words are harsh and I can see on his face that it hit home.

"I was doing what I thought was best for her." He says quietly, his voice cracking.

"She could speak and decide for herself." He takes a deep breath. "You May have trained her Titus but you weren't in control of her. The only things you were in control of was keeping, removing the flame and helping a natblida ascend with the flame. Thats. It."

He says nothing and looks at the floor. I sigh and continue.

"They cry out for blood. Lexa cries out for yours. And because there is no conclave as I am the last nightblood, I've come here to inform you that there will be bloodshed, there will be a fight. The last nightblood against the flame keeper who attempted to kill his own commander." I announce bitterly.

He looks up at me, his eyes wide and mouth open in shock.

"I'm done here." I say to the door.

"Verena! Verena!-" I walk through the door and slam it behind me, looking at my guards.

"Let's go."

"You can't seriously be doing this Verena! If Lexa and Ontari are dead then your the last nightblood! If you die it could be the end!" Clarke exclaims while pacing around her room.

"Even if I don't die today it's the end! There are no other natblida's Clarke!"

"When your older you'll meet a guy-" I cut her off.

"I would never ever bring a child into this world, especially to be trained for my death and to kill their own brothers or sisters. Never. And even if I did find a guy I liked if he has red blood that would just kill the child! Try to put the flame into a child with Red and Nightblood would kill them instantly, or at the very least hurt them. It has never been done. But their body would reject the Flame because of their red blood and also try to accept it with the Black blood, which would be chaos." She stares at me eyes wide and shock written all across her face.

"How do you know that?" She asks.

"Clarke; you're not the first one that's thought of that."

She looks at me in horror and gulps.
"Anyway you are not going into that conclave yourself! Just chose someone else!" She pleads.

"No Clarke. If you are right today is the day when my spirit will chose it's successor and you need to accept that!" I say harshly. I wish I could take them back as soon as they come out.

That's something Lexa said to Clarke when Lexa was going to fight in the conclave against Roan. Shock and hurt register across her face. I am frozen, also in shock.

"Lexa?" I ask aloud.

Memories flash through my head of what be Lexa's point of view. I see Clarke has her long hair and streaks of pink in her hair. She stands before Lexa after she dismisses Aiden, her posture stern and alert.

Lexa, sending me a message.

I look up to Clarke and I know my face shows the shock and confusion I'm feeling as she quickly rushes over to me and consoles me.
"Verena? Are you ok?" I nod, still dazed by what happened.

"I saw Aiden pledge to you his loyalty... The dismissal and the argument you had, it was like I was her." I recall, still confused. "I don't have the flame how is this possible?" I ask aloud.

"You get dreams from the other commanders." Clarke says.

"Yes but this isn't a dream it's a flashback-this is impossible- I-."

"Hey hey hey calm down", she takes my hand and leads me over to the bed, sitting me down.

"Maybe she's trying to tell you not to go into the conclave?" Clarke suggests, hope in her voice.

"No... she's encouraging it. She's showing me her moves in the conclave..." How she defied death and ended a war by killing the real enemy..." I trail off.

"Verena we had this conversation you are not going into this conclave!"

"Yes I am Clarke!" I sigh. "They want blood and I will give that to them."

"V, what happens if you lose?" Clarke asks. "The coalition will break and skaikru will be marched on before the sun sets tomorrow." Clarke stresses.

"That won't happen because I will win." I say confidently. I begin to walk towards the door and right as I reach it Clarke speaks in a soft voice.

"What if you don't?"

  I turn my head to look at Clarke, my hand still on the door handle.

"Then they will bury me face down."

I Am The Last Nightblood (the 100)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora