I Bet It Stung

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When the Rover comes to a stop in the bay I swing the door open, slamming it closed harder then necessary, shaking the vehicle. A small, pleasant breeze flows through the open doors of the bay, the sun casting a bright orange across the sky as night approaches. My eyes notice movement out of the corner of my eye; Clarke walking towards us, a grateful smile on her lips. She jogs towards me and I hold my arms out, embracing her tightly. Her familiar scent fills my mind, and I feel my muscle relax slightly. I nudge my head in her shoulder, keeping my head down.

"Verena?" Her voice sounds worried. I pull away and avoid her gaze, turning my attention to the back hatch of the rover as it swings open. A tall, medium built boy with rough dirty blonde hair stepping out.

"Riley?!" Clarke gasps.

"Clarke." A smile spreads across his dirty face. He hugs her tightly, and I move aside. More of the fatigued dirty faces step out of the river, followed by Bellamy. Monty, Harper, and Miller walk out as well. Bellamy's eyes meet mine and I look away, back to the exchange between Clarke and Riley.

"I can't believe you're alive." She pulls away.

"Get Riley and the others to medbay." Bellamy talks to Clarke. She opens her mouth to speak, but heavy steps down the ramp interrupt us. Raven approaches, eying up the group of familiar teens, and the empty back of the Rover they just crawled out of. Clarke only now seems to notice the missing hydro-generator.

"Where is it?" Raven asks, her tone sharp.

"We didn't get the machine." Bellamy speaks, his eyes on me. I ignore his gaze, flexing my jaw.

"It didn't survive landing?" Clarke questions. I shake my head, inhaling sharply.

"It did, they just chose to use it to kill Azgedians, and destroy the ship to save their friends- which under my order could, and would have been released had I been aware there were more of you." I hiss. He seems to disregard what I said, keeping his eyes on Raven and Clarke.

"We couldn't risk it. We had a choice, bring the machine home or use it to save them." I take a cautious step away for Bellamy for his sake, my fist yearning to make contact with his jaw. Anger bubbles inside of me, flooding my mind.

"Oh we're so screwed." Raven mutters bitterly.

"We have time, but I am not sacrificing any more innocent lives." I turn to him, shocked and pissed. Very pissed.

"Sacrificing innocent lives?! Well guess what Bellamy. You just did. Those people did not deserve to die. You very well could have just killed more then the Azgedians you blew up!" I take a step towards him, my fists clenched at my sides.

'Verena' a whisper of Lexa's voice echos in my mind, one not summoned by my mind. I close my eyes and inhale, breathing it out. 'Breathe Verena' her voice flows through my head.

"I made the call, they agreed, and we will live with it." Bellamy looks to Clarke and Raven.

"You're not the only one who has to live with your call Bellamy. The ship won't sustain more then a hundred without that hydro generator." Raven barks. Bellamy's eyes widen, this information apparently unknown to him. His eyes look to the ground, suddenly interested in his boots. "But I didn't tell you that because you had one job, and that was to get that damn generator."

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