Chapter 60

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Some people would find it unsettling that Garo's severed head keeps spewing profanities as I tear apart the rest of his body but not me.

I have seen and done so many awful things that, these days, usual things shock me more than the odd ones. After all, the unnatural things have become a part of the norm. What's one more thing added to it?

To be honest, I do contemplate pulling Garo's tongue out to stop the stream of insults he is hurling my way. However, I realize it would be a waste of my time and exactly what he wants.

He can no longer physically harm me, so he is trying to help the rest of the Council members by, at least, making me lose focus. Maybe he thinks if they win, they'll piece him back together, which I doubt.

The Vampire Council doesn't sound like an emotional bunch. They are as likely to leave him to rot as they are to restore him.

"Alarcos, watch out!" I yell, noting the danger before he can as he has his hands full.

I rush towards him and position myself in front of him, in the way of one of the guard's approaching teeth.

This is getting ridiculous! Why do I keep getting bitten in someone else's place?

There must be something wrong with my survival instincts or something.

Luckily, drinking Eliot's blood seems to be a magic cure for everything, as the teeth barely nick my skin. Still, my neck tingles from the unpleasant sensation, and I launch the vampire away as if he was a ragdoll.

"Helen, are you okay?" Seymour yells instead of focusing on his target.

It almost costs him an arm, but luckily he gets back into the game soon enough to barely avoid the bite.

"I'm fine. I told you, a thousand times, never lose focus in a battle. Now finish him off while I go and lend a hand to your boyfriend," I say.

The fact that he doesn't answer but attack his enemy ferociously makes me smile. That's the best way to prove he is listening to what I am saying.

Even Alarcos seems to be quicker to understand than I would have given him credit as he runs behind Lupe, the French vampire, and put him in a headlock. All to help me finish off his opponent.

Lupe is the second strongest vampire in the Vampire Council and not an easy person to subdue. Thus, I find it impressive Alarcos can do that even for a moment.

"Alright, you pull, and I'll snip," I say, clicking my teeth to get the idea across.

Lupe looks at us in shock, flailing his arms to throw Alarcos off. Yet, before he can do that, I clutch his hands firmly against his body as my teeth find his neck. Alarcos pulls Lupe's head upwards, making sure his own hands aren't in the way of my deadly teeth. I, on the other hand, sink my teeth into Lupe's neck and start biting off piece by piece.

Now don't get me wrong, I know that swords are a good idea in these kinds of situations, as the glint of Seymour's borrowed one keeps reminding me. However, I think I have a much deadlier weapon than any sword could ever be. That's especially true with Healer blood running through my veins.

Still, I find it odd the same blood that could heal thousands can cause enormous devastation as well.

Vampires' brains are a miracle, and my mind seems to be high on Eliot's blood. Although all these thoughts are swarming around my head, turning it into a beehive of sorts, I never waver in my task of decapitation.

Lupe is writhing his body, trying to escape, but there is no use. We have him in our grip. He can't escape from us.

His guards keep trying to reach Lupe, to save him. However, Cecilia and Tobias are back, and they keep them off of us for the time being.

Soon enough, I make short of my prey with one final bite of my teeth.

"Finish cutting him up and take care of the parts. I'll help the others." I say, rejoining the fighting.

The best thing about being the Huntress is that no one dares to question your authority. They just do what you say when you say it.

I guess they rely on me more since they are aware of my bloody past. Who better to protect you from cold-blooded murderers than another of their kind?

Anyway, joining the mess of the fighting doesn't go as well as I planned. I think the Healer's blood might be starting to wear off.

Whatever the case might be, I soon find myself crushing into a nearby tree, breaking my arm in the process.

The pain isn't the most annoying thing about my predicament, but the fact that my hand is sticking at a rather odd angle. Thus, I have to put it back in place if I want my bones to reconnect and for the tissue to repair itself.

It's a waste of time that I don't have but knowing it's necessary, I quickly pull it back in place, letting out a low painful growl.

"Helen, are you okay?" I hear a voice that I least want to hear at that moment.

I see Eliot running towards me through the middle of all the fighting. His sword is held up high and it makes it clear that he has no idea what he is doing with the weapon.

"What are you doing here? Don't you remember what the plan was?" I ask, angrily though I am pretty sure he can't hear me.

There is too much noise, and I don't think that his Healer senses are as sharp as the vampire ones. He is still very pale from the loss of blood. It seems he shouldn't even be back on his feet, let alone getting in the middle of a battle.

If this bloody idiot ends up dying, I will never forgive him nor myself. He is far too important to so stupidly risk his life.

What does he think he is doing?

I am trying to seem as stoic and as calm as possible. I try pretending that I am in charge since it might help me convince myself of something I am unsure of in the slightest.

Protecting him is my only goal, and if I fail, it will be far worse than anything I've experienced so far.

The only thing that pulls me out of my single-minded attempt to reach Eliot is the sound of swords clashing. That is when I realize I have reached Eliot, but I haven't noticed the tip of a sword heading my way.

However, Eliot was somehow quick enough to block the attack and is now engaged in the sword fight with one of the better-trained guards. I am guessing by the swift moves that he is the head of the guard.

Thus, I quickly spring into action, fully aware that as a Healer Eliot is not as familiar with sword fighting as we are. Also, I am not about to allow him to die just because he was stupid enough to try and 'save' me.

The viciousness of my attack increases as I am fighting for the one I love. Defeat is not an option.

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