Chapter 28

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I am happy to finally be able to run at full speed because anything slower is just a waste of effort for a vampire.

Relying only on my instincts, focusing only on the wind fluttering the strand of my hair left and right, is a relief. I don't have to think about annoying things, such as emotions.

I've been alone for quite a long time and I am fine, aren't I?

Being alone means having the freedom to do what you like, when you like it, and that's amazing. Also, you don't have to worry about someone pulverizing your heart, again.

Emotions bring nothing but trouble, and I don't want to be confined by them like I was in the past. Never again. I want to fly freely, kill when I want to kill, relax when I want to.

Yet, as I watch Alarcos and Seymour run ahead of me, their hair being tousled by the wind, I can't stop the pang of jealousy from cutting at my heart.

They look so perfect together as if they were made for each other. Even as I think that I know how ridiculous I am being but I can't stop.

I never used to think about things like that, so why now, when I have the least time for frivolous emotions? Why do they have to plague me now?

To my utter relief, before I drive myself insane (for I am starting to believe that vampires can go insane) we reach the house.

"Helen, you are safe!" Tobias runs to me, hugging me tightly.

I return the embrace, awkwardly wondering when we have become hugging vampires. We never used to do this. I think it's Cecilia's negative influence rubbing off on Tobias.

"We've been worried sick," he adds as I subtly extricate myself from his hug, eager for escape.

Before yet another lie has the chance to leave my mouth, Seymour steps forward with an explanation. His actions stun me into silence.

"I am sorry. That's my fault. I slowed them down, and we had to rest for me to regain strength many times," he says.

"Are you sure you are okay, now? What exactly happened?" Cecilia asks.

"There is no time for details. You need to get as much blood as you can, and we have to leave the area as soon as possible." Alarcos interrupts.

"Were you followed?" Tobias asks, turning his head around in a blink of an eye.

"No, but it won't be long before the rumors about strange, pale foreign celebrities reach them. They aren't stupid. They'll figure it out soon enough." Alarcos says.

"I am sorry that you got involved in all of this. We should have told you about our situation, but we have been safe for so long that we became complacent." Cecilia says.

Her words make me understand how true that is and also how much she has changed from the bitter young vampire that she was.

"That's okay. I guess I dragged myself in this mess because of what I did, for talking too much. If it's anyone's fault, it's mine." Alarcos says.

"Cut it out, you two. This is no one's fault. It was bound to happen one way or the other. Let's leave it behind us and get ready for a long trip." I say.

I take their silence as agreement and proceed to gather our blood supply. Unfortunately, it's not as big as I would've liked, especially having in mind that there are five of us now. However, I take comfort in the fact that at least Alarcos, Seymour and I are not thirsty. The supply could last us for a while.

"What about the Healers?" Cecilia asks, joining me in my task.

"I was thinking we leave this place, regroup and then try to track them down again. Did you manage to get anything useful from the library?" I ask.

"We got a few books, but we were too worried about you to go through them," Cecilia says.

I roll my eyes at her, unable to contain my agitation. Why would they worry about me when I am older and much more mature than the two of them combined.

Then what happened with Seymours flashes before my eyes, and my wave of cockiness retreats in the wake of self-doubt.

"You don't need to worry about me so much. I can manage almost anything," I say.

Although I have a feeling that if anything is to kill me, it would probably be Seymour, directly or indirectly.

"Of course we worry. You are family." Cecilia says, hugging me suddenly.

What's with these vampires and this newly found habit of hugging? It's annoying, especially having in mind that I wasn't a hugging person even when I was alive.

This is the first time Cecilia has ever hugged me, and I can't say I am enjoying it, but the years spent living with them have taught me we have to be more tolerant than I was before.

Cecilia and I have managed to go past our differences. That is to say, I was able to go past any jealousy I had towards her, and we were able to become closer, but not this close. Never this close.

Feeling my body stiffen at the touch, she quickly released me, moving away. At least years spent living with me have taught her that much.

"I am sorry," she says.

I clear my throat instead of replying in any way until I am sure my voice will not be too annoyed.

"Anyway, once we get our barrings, we can go through the books Tobias and you got, and look for any clues on their whereabouts," I say.

"Yes, that sounds good," she answers.

"What is it?" I ask her exasperated.

I can feel when she is holding back, and I don't like it. The only thing I like less is when Tobias does the same.

"Ever since we connected with our Healer heritage, I feel the need in my very blood to find them, to connect with them. It's as if their blood is calling to me, but not in the food sort of way but like human blood ties," she finally admits.

"I was afraid acknowledging your Healer side might have side effects. This is not what I expected, but I am sure we can figure it out. That is once we are far away from here, safe from the Vampire Council," I say.

She nods more vigorously than necessary, and I know she is not happy with the delay but understands that there is no other way.

Honestly, I am not happy about this development either, but there is a limit to what I can do. Even the Great Huntress can't predict everything, win every battle.

That's what scares me the most, the possibility of losing since in our world it involves being slowly dismembered then burned to a crisp. 

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