Chapter 51

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Timing is everything.

I couldn't agree more with that statement. Mere seconds after I get lost in the delicacy that is Eliot, a clearing of the throat causes us to break the passionate embrace that we were in.

"Seriously, guys? You think now is the time for that? While both of our families are in danger of being slaughtered!" Olivia says sharply.

I have never seen the thin Healer so angry, and despite her small stature, she looks fierce. To be honest, I admire that about her. People of her height and size are rarely taken seriously. However, the fire burning in her eyes makes me think that no one questions angry Olivia.

"I am sorry we were just..." Eliot says, trying to explain actions that can't be justified.

"Stop! I don't want to hear it." Olivia says.

I wisely choose not to say anything. After all, I am not in the mood to argue, and I agree with Olivia. We have horrible timing. There is nothing I can say that can change that, so I wisely remain silent.

"Helen, I am guessing you heard what we were talking about?" Olivia asks sternly but still politely.

Even she is not foolish enough to challenge a vampire by being rude to me.

"Yes, it's not easy for us to not hear something, even if we try," I say truthfully.

"Then what is your opinion about it? Do you think we should run away like cowards or stay and fight for what is just?" Olivia asks passionately.

"I am not sure. On the one hand, I am always more interested in a direct approach. Fighting is what I have always done and what I am best at. However, having in mind the Healers' inexperience in fighting, I don't think we would stand a chance of winning. Besides, the Vampire Council doesn't seem to possess the same weaknesses as regular vampires do, so I am not sure how to get rid of them," I say.

"Would dismemberment work in stopping them?" Eliot asks.

"Stopping them, probably, killing them not," I say.

"Well, I was thinking that we don't need to necessarily kill those vampires. We just need to stop them from functioning properly, cut them to pieces, and prevent the pieces from coming back together." Eliot says.

"First of all, it's not that easy to cut up a vampire. They are bound to be amazing at defending themselves, having in mind their age. Furthermore, I don't think you Healer types can cut anyone to pieces. You just don't have it in you." I say.

"I've taken that into consideration. I was thinking that we set up a trap. Once the Vampire Council fall into it, you and your vampire friends can do the cutting. Then, the Healers can secure body parts and carry them far away so that they are never reconnected." Eliot says.

Thinking about it, I realize that his plan has some potential. Still, there are so many dangers that I am not ready to allow him to be a part of such a quest. After all, Healers seem as fragile as humans. He might get hurt, die even.

The mere idea of him dying has me terrified. Odd as it is, I care about the guy. I've lived long enough to know these things quickly, even though I don't often acknowledge the truth immediately.

From the moment I had my arms around him, I could feel that there was something special about him, about us. However, admitting that so soon isn't in my nature.

Now I wonder if I should have acted on my feelings instantly. Though I might be immortal, I have a sneaking suspicion that Healers are not.

How much more time will I have with Eliot? Years? Months? Hours?

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