Chapter 39

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Of course, we are in trouble. In the last few days, we always seem to be in some sort of crisis, no surprises there.

What does surprise me is that Alarcos is actually here, and he is not ripping my head off. That's what I call progress.

He can't look the monster that is me in the eye, but he is here. That must mean that there is a chance for me to save our friendship.

"What is it?" Tobias asks, pulling me out of my irrelevant train of thought.

"The Vampire Council caught your scent. They are coming for you." Alarcos says.

"How can you be so sure?" Cecilia asks, clearly hoping they are wrong.

"When I...ahem... left, I ran without thinking where I was going. However, when I sensed a large vampire presence nearby, I slowed down, not wanting to deal with vampire kind." Alarcos says, making it seem as if he wasn't one of the very vampires he was avoiding.

"They were taking a feeding break, so it was clear to me that it was a hunting party. I think that the feeding frenzy might have been the reason they didn't smell me. Anyway, then this idiot came stumping in." Alarcos says, smiling gently at Seymour.

I guess that answers my question. Despite the danger, they managed to kiss and make up. Great. That's just great.

"Luckily, I stopped him on time, but we realized we knew the scents of other vampires. They were the same scents we felt at the House of Healing." Alarcos says.

"And you came to warn us instead of running the other way?" I ask, and I feel Eliot shifting closer to me.

I have no idea what he wants to accomplish by doing that, but it makes me feel a bit better. I feel like there is someone in my corner. Even if it's an insane Healer with a death wish.

"Of course. We don't want any of you to get hurt." Seymour says, looking at Eliot with a look that clearly says he is excluded from the statement.

"Is that right?" Seymour prods Alarcos.

"Yes...ahem...I am sorry for trying to kill you, Helen. Seymour explained that you were newly turned and that your sire tricked you into doing it." Alarcos says.

"I am sorry. It IS my fault. I know I am a monster, but I am trying to do better, to be better," I say.

"I've been too harsh on you. I remember how it felt when I first turned, how confused I was. I would've killed any human just to satisfy my hunger." Alarcos says.

"You don't deserve to die, but I can't forgive you either. Not yet, at least." Alarcos says honestly.

"I don't deserve your forgiveness, I know that but I am grateful you chose not to let us all perish," I say.

"I am sure you are wrong. Whatever you did, you deserve forgiveness." Eliot says, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"And who are you again?" Alarcos asks, annoyed by the interruption.

"I murdered his family in cold blood. How can I ask forgiveness for that?" I ask, shrugging off his hand.

"You are a vampire. Things like that happen. You can't change the past. All you can do is try and make the future better." Eliot says.

"Guys, none of that will matter if we all end up dying. Are you sure they will be able to follow our scent?" Tobias asks.

"Yes. We could follow your scent to this place easily." Seymour says.

"How long do we have?" Cecilia asks.

"I am not sure. They were still feeding when we left them, but not long." Seymour says.

"What do we do now? Can we outrun them?" Cecilia asks, eager to avoid having to kill more vampires.

I can't help but remember how she didn't have any issues killing Stanton's band of murderers, and I wonder what has changed in her. Has her love for Tobias made her mellower?

"I don't think so," Seymour says.

"Why would you run when you have the home advantage here?" Eliot asks.

Seymour looks at him in disgust, and I can't help but resent him for it. The Healer might be crazy, but he is trying to help. Seymour has no right to look at him like that.

"What do you mean?" I ask politely.

I can see that Eliot is surprised by my civility. He doesn't seem to understand that I am trying to make it up to him for Seymour's rudeness.

The smile that he gives me would have made my heart beat like crazy if I wasn't already dead. I feel something flicker to life in the depths of my heart, and I don't like it at all.

"I have all the weapons we might need to fight off the vampires, and I know this city better than I know myself," Eliot says.

"Do we even trust this guy?" Seymour asks with contempt.

"Yes, we do," I say firmly.

The odd thing is that I actually mean it. I wasn't sure if I trusted Eliot until Seymour questioned me about it.

Even I am surprised to note I do actually trust him. How odd.

Seymour looks at me, judging my expression. There is still warmth in his eyes when he looks at me, and I realize that though we might not be meant to be together, we will always care deeply for each other.

However, I don't seem to be the only one to notice the exchange since I can see Alarcos's posture stiffen as he notes Seymour's expression.

"There is some holy water in those squirt guns over there," Eliot says.

"Squirt guns? Are you kidding me?" I ask.

"Don't knock it till you tried it, love," he says.

"Don't call me 'love'," I spit out in anger.

What I refuse to acknowledge is that I am angry because what he said makes something stir in me, as if waking up from deep slumber.

Alarcos quickly spins around in the direction Eliot pointed out, clearly angry.

Seymour goes after him, and we have a whole little drama unfolding in front of us. It's as if they forgot all about us (which they probably did) and our perfect hearing.

"What is it?" Seymour asks, gently turning Alarcos.

"You still love her." Alarcos spits out, looking at the ground.

"Look at me," Seymour says, gently raising Alarcos' chin.

"I care about her, I always will, and I do love her. However, I don't love her the same way I love you. You should've realized by now that you are the only one for me." Seymour says.

Before I can look away, his lips are crashing against Alarcos' with such passion that I am hypnotized by the power of the emotions that their lips sing of.

Alarcos immediately returns the kiss just as fiercely.

"Ahem," Eliot clears his throat, and I wonder if it is for my benefit.

Can he see how jealous I am of the perfect moment Seymour and Alarcos get to share?

"The holy water," he says as Seymour and Alarcos break apart.

"I am glad we cleared that up," Alarcos says, grinning at Seymour.

"Me, too," Seymour says happily.

He is happy. That's all that matters.

I can finally let go of what was, and I am glad that my ex-lover, my friend, has found what he has been looking for.

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