Chapter 48

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"Father, you mustn't allow your personal grudges to influence your decisions as a leader. I know that you don't understand my feelings towards Helen, but this is going too far." Eliot says before I can recover my senses enough to say anything.

"This has nothing to do with your weird obsession with this vampire, which is far from normal. This is about the safety of our people," Tolie says.

"What does that even mean?" Eliot asks passionately.

"How much do you know about your precious vampire?" Tolie asks.

"Enough," Eliot curtly replies.

Even I can see where Tolie is going with this, but Eliot stubbornly refuses to acknowledge what is going on. He refuses to accept that I am, as a matter of fact, more dangerous than my friends.

"Well, if you knew enough about her, you would have known that she is notorious, even for a vampire. Even her own kind is looking to put her down for displaying too much cruelty," Tolie says.

I am surprised to hear that's the story they are going with, that I am the monster. It makes sense, but I am shocked that Tolie would believe that Vampire Council would be so eager to catch me just for something that comes so naturally to most vampires.

However, my surprise doesn't prevent me from closely monitoring Eliot's reaction. I am looking for any signs that he sees the monster in me. However, I see none.

Now don't get me wrong, I was far from a saint, but I haven't been a monster for centuries. That's how I know that whoever is feeding Tolie these stories is telling the cover story, the justification of persecuting one of their own. They did it to avoid admitting the truth that I was making the world a better place by killing my maker.

"How do you even know that?" Eliot asks the most logical question that I should have thought of first.

How does the leader of all Healers know so much about vampire society and its 'criminal elements'? Shouldn't all the Healers be in hiding from vampires?

Eliot doesn't get it and waits for his father's explanation instead of using his brain.

"I have connections in the Vampire Council. We've been cooperating, trying to keep a semblance of peace over the years." Tolie admits grudgingly.

"You've been 'cooperating' with those guys? Aren't they the most vicious vampires?" Eliot asks, fuming with anger.

"We had no choice. As you said, the vampires are vicious and had we not cooperated, we would have been slaughtered as a species centuries ago. I am just honoring the treaty that our forefathers made." Tolie says defensively.

"And what does that treaty exactly entail?" Eliot asks.

I have a feeling that I understand far better than he does, and I don't want him to realize the dark truth. He should keep some semblance of normalcy, his family.

"I don't mean to interrupt, but I believe that I was asked to leave," I interrupt.

Eliot shifts his attention to me, and I know that I've saved him the awful truth about his people for the time being.

"You're not going anywhere. I know who you truly are, and you deserve our help." Eliot says determinedly.

"I think that's my decision to make, Eliot," I say sternly.

"If I leave, can you guarantee the safety of my friends?" I ask.

"Yes, I was told by the representative of the Vampire Council that they are not interested in your friends' smaller transgressions. Their main goal is to kill you. They have asked me to murder you myself, but that is not something I can do in clear conscience and having in mind my son's feelings." Tolie says.

"What is really going on here?" Eliot asks, still not getting it.

"I am going to leave, and you will make sure that your father keeps his promise and that Tobias and Cecilia get the chance to learn about their heritage," I say.

"But..." he says.

"No arguments, please. I've made up my mind," I say.

"Would you be kind enough to grab me a few bags of blood for my journey?" I ask Eliot.

"Yes, of course," he says, sufficiently confused that he just leaves to do as he is told.

"Now that he left tell me what's really going on. Did you make a pact with the Vampire Council?" I ask.

Tolie nods in shame.

"Does it include supplying them with Healer blood on occasion?" I ask, guessing the horrible truth.

"Yes, but only once every twenty years. We are required to send them a healthy virgin for their celebration," he admits.

It's as I've expected, and yet I am surprised at a long period between the sacrifices.

"Why twenty years? Why don't they ask more, seeing as you seem to be willing to pay the price for your survival?" I ask.

"I am not certain. The vampires said something about the maturation of blood. That it tastes better, the longer it has been brewing in the Healer body," he says disgustedly.

"I see," I respond since I honestly have no idea what to say to that.

Lost for words or empathy for the guy, I turn to leave when his words stop me.

"Won't you wait to say goodbye to Eliot?" He asks.

"It's better I am gone by the time he comes back. He'll try to stop me." I say, once again turning to leave.

"Helen?" He asks.

"What is it?" I ask, annoyed with the guy.

"Can you take my daughter with you?" he says.

"Excuse me?" I ask.

He wants me nowhere near his son because I am supposedly this horrible monster, and yet he wants me to take his daughter with me. Why? For a snack?

"It's her turn to be sacrificed," Tolie says with pain breaking through his composure.

"You would allow your own daughter to be murdered and drained? You are so afraid of fighting?" I ask.

"You don't understand! It's not up to me. Every twenty years, we, the elders, who are the only ones who know the truth, draw the name of the person to be sacrificed for the greater good. This year, her name was drawn. There is nothing I can do about it. However, you..." he trails off.

I can see what he means, and I am disgusted by his suggestion. He calls himself a Healer, yet he is part of the tradition that willingly sends one of their own to the slaughter. Yet, when it's his turn to sacrifice his own daughter, he comes to me for help. He comes to the one who he has deemed to be a monster.

"You said I was a monster. What good would it be sending your daughter with me when I might as well use her as to-go lunch?" I ask cruelly.

"Because if she comes with you, she will have some chance of survival. No one has ever returned from the trip to the Vampire Council, and you seemed to have been controlled enough not to hurt my son. He trusts you. Also, I am out of options, I have to try to trust you as well," he says.

What's happening here makes no sense to me, but I know that I will do all in my power to avoid causing Eliot pain. Besides, his sister is more bearable than most Healers.

"Very well, I'll take her with me, but I don't guarantee her safety," I say.

I want him to suffer because he deserves for being such a coward. However, I am also making a silent vow to Eliot that I will do everything in my power to protect his sister.

"Come this way. I told her she would need to escort you out. She is waiting to do so." Tolie says as he leads the way to the exit.

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