Chapter 43

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"Where are we going?" I ask trying to keep up with the rest of them, refusing to admit that I am still weak.

"To a Healer sanctuary," Eliot says.

I can hear Seymour grumble unhappily at those words.

"What's with him?" I ask of no one in particular.

"He has been outvoted so he is a little grumpy," Alarcos says clearly teasing Seymour.

This playful banter between the two is getting old really fast. I like both of them well enough but if this is what we can expect from the two of them being here, I am not sure I appreciate them coming back.

"I am not 'grumpy'. I just don't understand why my boyfriend would side with others instead of me." Seymour says pouting like a small child.

"Seymour, we've already been through this. I voted for the option that had a lesser chance of getting us all killed. Healers have survived this long without vampires slaughtering them even though they smell delicious, there has to be a good reason for that. They must have some ways of avoiding detection or simply better protection.

"We can't just keep running hoping that they would lose our trail and never find it again, you know?" Alarcos says trying to make his boyfriend see reason.

"Yes, yes, it all sounds rational when you say it like that but still..." Seymour says.

"I think you bruised his fragile male ego," I say the first thing that comes to mind.

Of course, that's exactly the wrong thing to say, and Seymour storms off in a fit of anger. I seem to mess things up even when I don't intend to.

However, Alarcos smiles at me instead of getting mad. It's a conspiration smile someone shares with their co-conspirator.

"I think that was right on the mark," Alarocs says chuckling quietly.

Before I can say anything to justify my actions, Alarcos dashes off and I can see him playfully hugging Seymour who keeps shrugging him off. However, they are being playful like puppies struggling against each other.

Finally, Alarcos manages to make Seymour laugh and I wonder once again if it's true that there is somebody for everyone. I wish that is true since that would mean that there is someone out there who would go past all my flaws and love me nevertheless.

"Are you okay?" Eliot asks since I've apparently stared at the happy couple for far too long.

"How come we are going to your people? Won't they disapprove of the company you keep?" I ask to distract him from the topic of my broken heart.

"Probably but I am sure that once they give me the chance to explain, it will become clear to them that I did the right thing," Eliot says.

"Did you, though?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" he asks, confused.

"Well, why don't just let a bunch of vampires kill each other. Won't that make life easier for your people?" I ask.

"There are many dangerous animals in the world capable of killing humans. Why don't they kill them all?" he answers my question with a question.

"I don't know. Why don't they?" I ask, irritated with his cryptic answers.

"Because every life is precious and serves a purpose in the grand schema of things," Eliot says.

"That's just the thing, every 'life'. We aren't alive, we are the undead, the abomination that stands between life and death never truly crossing over to either side." I say in a vain effort of making him understand that I am nothing more and nothing less than a predator.

"Helen, you can't see things so black and white. The gray area is where the most beautiful things happen. Your existence serves a purpose whether you can see it or not. You are so much more than just a predator and more alive than any of the humans can claim to be." Eliot says.

As he is saying that, I keep shaking my head in denial. I haven't felt alive in such a long time. I don't mean in the literal sense but that I haven't really found any true joy in living that wasn't connected with bloodlust or the thrill of the hunt.

Then something unexpected happens. Something impossible to comprehend.

Eliot's hands stop my progression and as I turn around to ask him what his problem is, his lips crush on to mine with such passion that I forget who or what I am. All that exists is the kiss and fire burning through every inch of my body.

It's unlike anything I've ever felt before. The passion is beyond what I thought possible. Everything is so much more than I thought possible for me to feel.

He has started a fire in my heart, and I feel the ice melting away in its path as it courses through my veins. The feeling more intoxicating than even Eliot's delicious blood.

My lips seem to have a will of their own as they respond to the sudden contact. My hands cupping his face in an unconscious gesture.

I am surrendering to the sensations, to the moment more than I ever thought possible which is both terrifying and liberating in equal measure. It needs to stop or else I am not sure what will happen, who I will become.

It's as if all this time, the one thing that I've been craving more than blood, more than the thrill of the hunt is the taste of his lips. That in itself is more frightening than a bunch of bloodthirsty vampires trying to slaughter us. In the end, it is Eliot who breaks the kiss.

"How do you feel?" Eliot asks.

"Alive," I respond immediately.

He smiles brightly at me, and I am annoyed that I have told him the truth. It gives men the power to know how much their presence can affect you and I don't want anyone to have that kind of power over me ever again.

"I can see your point. Your little demonstration has served its purpose. I now understand what exactly you meant by 'life'." I say coldly.

I almost regret my words when I see his crestfallen expression. However, I don't back out of the hole I am digging for myself.

"You have quite a way with physical demonstrations," I say.

"You must've had a lot of practice," I add trying to annoy him, insult him, whatever will create some distance between us.

I know that if I allow myself emotional closeness it will end up in pain and I'd rather be stabbed in the heart with swords than with heartbreak.

"One of these days, you'll admit to yourself that you are capable of feeling so much more and that you deserve someone who will give you so much more than what you ask for. When that day comes, I'll be here waiting for you." Eliot says.

"Honestly, with everything that is happening, I am not even sure that we will live to see another day," I say.

"Oh, we will. I'll make sure of that." Eliot says, his words sounding like a solemn promise.

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