Chapter 38

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I don't trust this Healer.

The last time anyone showed such perfect manners was the monster who made me who I am today. I thought my sire did it because he loved me, but we all know how that turned out.

I am not about to make the same mistake. Once bitten, twice shy, as people say.

After all, the fact remains that just because he is well-mannered doesn't have to mean that he is a kind person. My manners are terrible, and I am an evil person, but still, that doesn't mean anything.

When we move to a room that I can only describe as an odd living room, Eliot pulls out my chair for me, and I grit my teeth in irritation. However, having in mind that my comments only seem to further amuse him, I say nothing. I just sit down, frowning at him.

Even that causes him to chuckle, and I have no idea what he finds so funny. I am not a circus animal made for Healer entertainment.

"So, where do we start?" Tobias asks all business.

I am glad to see him so enthusiastic about learning since I am hoping that he will manage to keep Eliot's attention away from me.

"What do you know about Healers?" Eliot asks, sounding sober for the first time since I met him.

"Well, we didn't know anything about it. We didn't even suspect we might be different until Helen told us what she learned about it." Cecilia says.

I wish she hadn't spoken at all since her words only manage to refocus Eliot's attention to me.

"Aren't you a smart cookie?" Eliot says, smiling at me, his eyes radiating intoxicating warmth.

Instead of getting lost in the vast universe that his eyes hold, I growl at him, purposefully flashing my fangs.

"Alright, alright. You are not a cookie but a vicious vampire that could rip my pretty head off in seconds, which would be such a waste if you ask me," he says, raising his hands in surrender.

I can see that he doesn't actually mean it, but guessing that is the best I can get from the strange guy; I retreat my fangs and relax into my chair.

"So, Helen, would you mind sharing how you knew they were Healers before they did?" Eliot asks doing his best to play nice.

"I didn't know anything for sure at first. It was just very odd for Tobias and Cecilia to be so in control of themselves most of the time, to care more about human well-being than their blood." I say.

I can see Cecilia wince upon hearing my words, probably remembering the human life she did take.

"Noticing that about them, I decided to further look into the reasons behind their different behavior. First, I asked Seymour since he knows the supernatural world better than anyone I know. He confirmed that Healers were real and that Cecilia and Tobias were probably Healers when they were alive." I say.

"And Seymour is your ex?" Eliot asks, more observant than I assumed he would be.

He must have realized how my voice broke when I said Seymour's name. It annoys me beyond reason to be so obvious.

The best way to survive in this cruel world is to keep some things to yourself. We all have secrets, and sharing them with others makes us vulnerable. When people know your secrets, they can use them against you. They can hurt you when you least expect it.

"Yes, anyway, we decided to do some research, and from the books we found, Alarcos managed to figure out how to get us to the House of Healing," I say.

"That Alarcos guy sounds clever. People rarely manage to solve our riddles or even care to try. And who is he?" Eliot asks.

I feel like he is asking too many questions that are none of his business, but I have to answer. The reason for that is the fact that if I don't tell him, Cecilia will and who knows how she will make it sound.

She has become way too polite and friendly for her own good, and I miss the good old days when she easily snapped and had difficulties trusting people.

"He is Seymour's ex. Well, they might be back together by now, I am not sure." I say.

"Wow, so he left you for his ex. That's tough luck." Eliot says sympathy in his voice.

"This isn't about me, so will you please stop asking so many questions and listen to what I have to say?" I say.

He gestures for me to go on and, to my surprise, does as he is told. He doesn't interrupt me, and I tell him almost everything about our recent adventures, leaving out a few personal details.

"Wow, you definitely had a few exciting days. What about the Vampire Council? You didn't explain why they are after you." Eliot says once I finish talking.

"We murdered a bunch of vampires," I say coldly, hoping to put him off.

Instead of being disgusted, he starts laughing, the reaction I definitely didn't expect.

"Well, I can't say I blame you. As a matter of fact, I should thank you. The fewer vampires are out there, the less danger there is for us, Healers." Eliot says.

"You do realize that you are surrounded by vampires. That's not the smartest thing to say in your position." I say.

"Oh, you know what I mean, the 'real vampires'," he says, smiling broadly.

"We killed humans as well," I say, trying to wipe off the smile from his face.

"I would imagine so. You are vampires, and you have walked the earth for a long time. It's only expected you would do so," he says, sounding more reasonable than I would like.

"You are a Healer! You shouldn't be able to so easily dismiss the human lives we took. You should be disgusted!" I yell.

"Is that what you were trying to do? Disgust me? Helen, I can't blame someone for their very nature. I can see in your eyes that you are trying and that's all we can ask of anyone. I am a Healer, and even I am responsible for some deaths. Things don't always turn out the way we want them to," he says, his eyes full of tears.

I wish I was a better person and that I could comfort him, but as it is, I do nothing.

Suddenly, there is a loud crash coming from the direction of the secret entrance, and, although I immediately know what's going on, I panic.

Though I might not be in any danger, hopefully, I know that Eliot is and that knowledge is all it takes for me to dash to stand in front of him.

I am just in time to block the approaching figure from crashing into the fragile Healer. The quickly moving body crushes into me instead, and a loud crash reverberates from the nearby walls, hurting my enhanced hearing.

As I recover, I see two pairs of red eyes staring at me in wonder.

"Ouch, Helen. What was that for? I was trying to help, I thought you were in danger." Seymour says.

His voice is unstable, as he is trying to recover from the crash.

"There is no time for that. We are all in big trouble." Alarocs says, looking anywhere but at me.

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