Chapter 29

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Running away from a fight seems to have become a habit. A terrible practice that I blame Cecilia and Tobias for. Ever since they killed a bunch of vampires who deserved to die, they were doing their best to atone for their sins.

Yet, I can't help but wonder if it is a sin to kill a murderer, to end a monster who is, even by vampire standards, too cruel. The same could be said for his psychotic girlfriend, who tortured Cecilia and whom Tobias had to kill to save the love of his life.

That's why I can't understand why they regret their actions. They made the world a better place. It is safer for humans and vampires alike now that Stanton and his mate are gone.

"Are you okay? You have that sour expression you get when you don't like something. It's like that one time when you didn't like my trendy hairstyle." Seymour says suddenly appearing next to me, and starting to run alongside me.

"I most definitely do not have a sour expression, and that dreadful ponytail looked awful on you!" I say with indignation.

Although remembering that horrible ponytail look he had going at the time, I almost go past my indignation and smile. Almost.

"Actually, you do. Even I can tell, and I just met you a few days ago. By the way, what's that ponytail incident that you mention?" Alarcos butts in, having decided to flank me as well.

"Don't you two have better things to do than bug me?" I ask, thoroughly irritated decidedly ignoring the second part of the question.

As I say that, I give Alarcos a meaningful look that I believe says: "Here is your chance to win your lover back."

Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to understand my look correctly. It's as if I said: "Please do continue bothering me with your incessant, unsolicited commentary."

"Nope," Alarcos says, immediately.

"Nothing I can think of." Seymour joins in.

I sigh exasperatedly. I've never seen two more clueless men in my life, and I am not sure how I feel about that. I mean, about the fact that they don't seem to realize what they can find in each other.

On the one hand, I want to have the possibility of clinging to my past, to Seymour, thus I don't want them to go past their differences. On the other hand, it might be high time for me to let go of something that was never truly mine, something I never truly wanted, Seymour.

At least, that's what I am trying to convince myself since only an idiot would run back to the one person who broke their heart. Am I an idiot?

I shake my head to clear away those buzzing thoughts and to refocus on the conversation going on outside my head.

Being a vampire is usually awesome, but at times like these, I find it exhausting. My brain has enough space to contemplate all the things I don't want to think about. Also, it has space to crave blood, always wishing more, as well as thinking about all the smart comebacks I can give to the two vampires who are annoying me to no end.

"I am mad. That's all. It makes me furious that we are taking a coward's way out." I say honestly.

My reasoning is that I won't get rid of them so easily, so I might as well be honest. Having been dishonest about so many things to so many people is starting to take a toll on me so I refuse to lie about this as well.

Seeing my point but more importantly, knowing my volatile temper far too well, Seymour says nothing. To my shock, Alarcos is the one to break the silence being braver than I first assumed.

"I don't think this is a coward's way out. This is actually a brave vampire's retreat." Alarcos says.

"How do you figure?" I ask gritting my teeth in irritation.

"Well, this is a strategic retreat to regroup and rally the forces. Brave vampires are not afraid to be smart and retreat if need be to ensure victory. Cowards rush in." Alarcos says.

It takes a moment for me to remember how to close my mouth that is hanging low after his statement. I certainly didn't expect him to say something as wise as that.

I want to answer something, but I have absolutely nothing to say. That is to say, nothing that wouldn't make me sound like an utter idiot. Thus, I choose the wise man's option, I keep my mouth shut.

"Nice one, babe," Seymour says.

He doesn't even notice what he has said or how obviously he is into Alarcos. Yet, I can see, and by the fact that Alarcos snaps his mouth shut quickly, I know he heard it, too.

However, knowing Seymour as well as we both apparently do, neither one of us says anything. It makes me wonder, though. Perhaps vampires are capable of a wider range of emotions then what I initially assumed.

For sure that sparkle of love in Alarcos' eyes isn't false. There is no one to see it but me, and I already know where I stand.

What if being able to feel a lesser range of emotions isn't what becoming a vampire means? What if it's about who I am and whom I've chosen to spend time with?

Perhaps Tobias was a glitch in my system that changed my perception of the world. Maybe love is a universal concept that can be felt by humans and vampires in equal measure, and I was unable to see it because of my foul nature. If that is true, then the only problem, the only thing that stops me from experiencing it, is the fact that I am a cold-blooded, insensitive person.

"He has a point, doesn't he?" Seymour says, beaming with pride.

"Yes, I guess he does," I say grudgingly.

"Everything will be okay. You'll see." Alarcos says, squeezing my hand in reassurance as we run.

I am shocked by the action, but before I can register what is going on, he is gone, running ahead to catch up with Cecilia and Tobias. Strange guy.

"Where are we going, anyway?" I ask Seymour.

"Tobias and Cecilia said they have a safe place, two cities over," Seymour says.

His tone implies that this is something I should already know. My guess is they told us that when I wasn't paying any attention to them, too preoccupied with my confused heart. The heart that was starting to move from its shriveled state to something resembling the real thing.

"I guess they weren't as naive, as we thought," I say.

"No, they definitely weren't. I guess they just didn't want to talk about it, to tempt the fate, I guess." Seymour says.

Superstitious vampires. What's next? Environment-friendly humans?

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