Chapter 27

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Fully satiated, I feel much better. As a matter of fact, I feel more alive than I have felt in a while. It has been so long since the last time I drained a human, and I am buzzing with energy.

As I lift my eyes, I can see that Alarcos has fed on the other human, a female, but he has exhibited more self-control, and she is still alive.

"I better finish her off. The one Helen killed was her mate. I don't think she would want to live without him." Seymour says.

"But Cecilia and Tobias..." I start to say.

"Will never know what exactly happened here. It's between the three of us," Seymour says.

I look at Alarcos expecting some resistance, but he nods in agreement, which makes me feel more relieved that they would lie to my family than it should.

Though I am aware of the fact that no deception can be maintained forever, I am not ready to face the truth just yet, the truth about many things. I know I might live to regret not coming clean about my less than stellar record when it comes to feeding, but I still decide to worry about that when I have to.

"Thank you, both," I say.

Then we grow quiet as Seymour drains the poor girl while she screams in horror, knowing what fate awaits her, having seen the shell of her boyfriend lying at my feet. However, since I am not the one feeding the screams don't make me feel satisfied, they annoy me. I want the high-pitched cries to stop.

Eventually, they do as all life is drained out of her.

"How did you catch humans so quickly, here? And, did I dream, or was there a straw involved?" I ask, trying to distinguish between my imagination and reality.

"We were in luck. Those two were having a picnic at the cemetery when I came across them. The straw came from one of their juice boxes since I had a feeling we might need it." Seymour says.

"Who has a picnic at a cemetery? Not even vampires find the cemetery romantic," I say.

"Oh, I don't know. I think that the dim light of the crypt makes your eyes glow even brighter than usual." Seymour says flirtatiously.

I look at Alarcos only to note that he has turned his back to us, pretending to dispose of the bodies in an old tomb so they wouldn't be quickly discovered. Seymour's words have probably hurt him, but I love compliments, so they do give a boost to my ego.

"Cut the chitchat Romeo and tell me why would humans have a picnic at a cemetery. I am dying from curiosity," I say.

"They are what humans call 'Goths'. Generally, they just wear dark clothes and listen to dark music, but these two wanted more, I guess. And what's darker and gloomier than a cemetery?" Seymour says.

As he said that, for reasons unfathomable to me, he took my hand and brought it to his mouth.

"I should make it up to you for almost killing you. How about a picnic when all of this is over?" Seymour asks.

When he says that, he gently kisses my hand, and I try my best to stifle all the old feelings that are trying to emerge again. I might trust him with my life, but I can't trust him with my heart. After a betrayal, it's difficult to go back.

The crashing that I hear from my left makes it clear that Alarcos is having trouble controlling his temper, especially after our conversation about his and Seymour's relationship. He must think I am a liar, but whether I like it or not, there is still something between them.

Would I want the attention of a man who is clearly not over his ex? Absolutely not.

I don't think so.

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