Chapter 55

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It must be vexing to be a human. I no longer remember how it was. The memory is lost in centuries of other memories.

However,  it took us seconds to slaughter the wolves, the same animals which humans considered dangerous. The task would have been an impossible one for humans thus I come to the conclusion that being a vampire is so much better.

Cecilia always points out having to drink blood as a downside to being a vampire, but I disagree. Blood is the source of life, and the fact that we get to enjoy sipping it, makes me feel special, privileged even.

"How come you've gotten more wolves than either one of us?" Alarcos asks, pouting.

He reminds me of a small child who has lost a game and is unwilling to accept defeat. Honestly, I am starting to wonder if love is what turns the best of vampires into idiots.

"I was focused on the task and not on flirting. That usually helps." I say coldly.

"Excuse me for trying to have some fun after you guys pulled me into the worst possible feud that I've ever even heard about," Alarcos says.

"Sorry, Drac, we didn't mean to. It just turned out that way." Seymour says.

"What did you call him?" I ask, unable to stop the words from pouring out.

My curiosity will be the death of me. I am pretty sure that not knowing would've been much better, but I just can't keep my mouth shut these days.

"Oh, I used to call him Dracula since he knew the count himself. An internal joke, I guess." Seymour says, smiling sheepishly.

"Well, could you cut it out with the pet names and help me out." I snap at them.

Surprised by my outburst, they do as I ask, and we start bleeding the wolves dry, spilling blood all over the place. It's a bloodbath, and even though animal blood is not my cup of tea, it's making me thirsty.

"Hungry?" Seymour asks, still being as observant as ever.

"It doesn't matter. We have to prepare everything, think of all the possible flaws with this plan. There is no time to feed." I say resolutely.

"Honestly, I think we should feed on Healers," Alarcos says.

"No, absolutely not! Why would you even think that? They are trying to help us, and you want us to murder them for it?" I say, livid.

"Well, I didn't mean for us to kill them, just take a sip or two. My theory is that not only does Healers' blood taste delicious but that it carries in its healing abilities as well. If we were to drink it, I think we would be stronger or at least capable of healing faster than we usually do." Alarcos says, surprised by my reaction.

After all, wasn't I the one who drained humans dry in my feeding frenzy? Wasn't I the same person who loved feeding on the live prey?

"We heal fast enough as it is," I say through gritted teeth.

"You said that we should take all the possibilities into account. As far as I can see, one of them is that the Vampire Council is not only stronger than us, but they heal faster. We need any advantages that we can get." Alarcos says.

"Let it be," Seymour warns his boyfriend.

"I can't. I want us to live! I want you to live!" Alarcos says, exasperated.

Then I realize that all he is trying to do is the same thing I am trying to do; protect the person he cares about.

"You can ask Tobias and Cecilia about it," I say, determined not to put Eliot and his family in danger.

After all, we don't know if vampires can even stop when they start feeding on a Healer. Tobias and Cecilia have just enough vampire blood in them not to smell as delicious as Eliot. I am pretty sure if we were to feed on them, that would help us stop and still be satiated enough.

On the other hand, it might make them weaker, and that is something we can't afford. I am honestly at a loss about what the right thing to do is and whether or not I want to do the right thing.

Why do I always have to do the right thing? Why can't I just do whatever I want to do and not care about the consequences?

"What about us?" Cecilia says as they approach the mess we've created.

"Would you like to be on the menu tonight?" Alarcos asks, bowing dramatically.

"I beg your pardon?" Tobias answers instead of Cecilia.

I should have known that he would be against anything that would cause any discomfort to his precious Cecilia. However, if all of us keep putting the ones we care about before everything else, how are we supposed to do what we set out to do?

"We were just discussing feeding arrangements, and I was proposing that Healer blood would be good for keeping up our strength for the upcoming battle. However, Helen was against feeding on Healers." Alarcos explains.

"I agree with her. Healers have been through enough as it is. Besides, I refuse to use them like that. It's humiliating." Cecilia says.

"How about being used?" Alarcos asks.

"I am sorry?" Cecilia says before Tobias has a chance to lose his temper.

"Helen suggested that instead of feeding on the Healers, we could feed on you two," Alarcos says nonchalantly.

I am not sure if he is trying to get me in trouble or if he is just being practical. Either way, I don't like where this conversation is going.

"You did what?" Tobias asks with rage that is rarely directed at me.

"I didn't suggest anything. I just said that if Alarcos wanted some Healer blood, he could ask you two if you would like to share, that's all." I say defensively.

"Well, if it will help..." Cecilia says.

"Absolutely not! No one is feeding on you ever again. If anyone even tries to do so, they will have to go through me." Tobias says, growling dangerously.

"Calm down, it was just a suggestion, and the one which I realized has one big downside. Even if one of you were to accept this, it would weaken you, and you would be useless in a fight." I say.

"Well, Eliot just joined his sister. They are not far from here. Why don't you ask them for their blood if you think it will help?" Tobias says, his anger appeased.

"No!" I exclaim.

"Why not? Maybe they won't mind. Well, I guess his sister will refuse, but I am sure that if you ask him nicely, Eliot wouldn't be able to refuse you." Alarcos says, giving me a strange look that implies he knew what was going on between Eliot and me.

"I am sorry, Helen, but I have to agree with Alarcos," Seymour says.

Of course, you do. You will always agree with what your lover says as you are smitten by him, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with every stupid thing you two come up with.

"Guys, that doesn't sound like a good idea. I mean, five vampires feeding on anyone is bound to kill them one way or the other even if we only take a sip." Cecilia says, worry coloring her voice.

I am happy that there is someone reasonable among the bunch. Even the mere idea of any vampire touching Eliot, let alone hurting him, makes my blood boil.

"That's why I think Helen should go alone. After all, she is our strongest fighter, and if he allows her to drink his blood, which I am pretty sure he will, she will be that much stronger." Alarcos says.

When he says that, I forget that I used to like the guy, that I consider him a friend. All I want to do is strangle him with that long tongue of his.

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