chapter 8

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dear diary,

I'm feeling a little better this morning, I didn't have another nightmare last night.

I've never had them two nights in a row, and I was sure with my luck that I was going to break that streak.

I can't get my mind off the fact that my mom won't be here all weekend, which means I won't see her for more than a week.

Her past jobs haven't been this intense- I don't know why she's putting herself through so much when we lived just fine with her other jobs...

Part of me thinks she doing it on purpose, because she doesn't want to be around the person who ruined her life. I've done nothing but make her life harder, and I hate myself for it everyday.

I just hope that her absence is genuine, I can't handle losing another family member...

I shut my diary and place it on my dresser, standing up and going downstairs. I'm already dressed and ready for school, I didn't sleep great last night out of paranoia.

I'm dreading school today because I know people are going to be talking about what happened in gym, who wouldn't. I just hope they spare me the humiliation and do it behind my back.

I get to school faster than usual today, which is another sick trick the universe is playing on me.

After I turn the engine off and get out of the car, I mentally prepare myself for the stares and whispers I'm about to endure.

Except, I don't. Not a single person looks my direction or whispers a single word about me. What the hell? This can't be right.

I'm relieved that no one is talking about me, but it doesn't make any sense. If I saw someone lose their mind at a siren I would definetly ask questions.

I walk into the building and still, not a single soul looks at me weird or points any fingers. I'm started to get worried.

I didn't have time to dump my books yesterday so I go straight to English, Blaire sitting in her seat waiting for me.

"Delaney, hey! How are you?" She asks in a calm voice, acting like this whole scene isn't bizarre.

"Blaire, why is no one talking about me? Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely glad they aren't, but don't you find that a little bit, I don't know, weird?" I say, waiting for her response.

"I can't tell you," She says, catching me off guard. So something is going on.

"What do you mean you can't tell me?" I question.

"I've been sworn to secrecy Delaney, I'm sorry," She says, a look of regret on her face.

"Blaire, if you don't tell me what the hell is going on I will make you," I borderline threaten her, but my words hold no true meaning.

"Oh please, I know you wouldn't do anything to me. But fine, I'll tell you because you're my friend. You cannot tell him you know though, he'll kill Ethan and then kill me!" She says, and that's when I get really confused.

What the hell does Ethan have to do with this?

"Spill," I say, waiting for her to tell me what's going on.

"Ugh, fine. Chase threatened to cancel prom if anyone said a word about what happened or looked at you differently," She says, and I swear to god my eyes grow three sizes.

"Chase? What- why would he do that? When did he do that?" I stammer.

"Well since Chase is student body president," my eyes widen again at her words, causing her to nod before continuing, "he runs this account on Instagram and Twitter that pretty much everyone in school follows. He posted after school yesterday saying prom and other important events would be canceled if anyone were to talk shit or treat you differently. Everyone in school liked the posts, which is insane, but hey it's Chase. Matt is the VP and he posted it too for backup. Ethan and I were talking last night, which is a whole different story, and he spilled the beans to me," She says, and my mind is officially blown.

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