chapter 29

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We take the Uber to a restaurant about twenty minutes away from the resort, Chase saying him and the guys had heard good things about it from the staff each year they come.

Once the Uber pulls up in front of the restaurant, and Chase pays him with cash, we head towards the restaurant that looks like it's pretty busy.

Luckily we get in after waiting only fifteen minutes, getting a small table for two in the back area of the restaurant.

"Is this a date?" Chase spurts, clearly mocking Tyler from when he had been eavesdropping on our 'date' at the diner.

"You're such an ass," I tell him with a smile before continuing. "But yes, I'd like to think this is a date," I finish, his smile growing at my response.

A young waiter around our age walks over, a pen and pad in his hand as he stands in front of our table.

"Good evening, what can I get you to drink?" He says, his eyes on Chase first.

Chase orders a water before the attention of the waiter turns to me.

"And for you, gorgeous?" He says, and I feel myself blush despite my attempts not to.

"I'll have a water too," I say with a small smile, Chases glare burning a hole into the waiters face.

"Sure thing! I'll be back with those in a few minutes, take your time with the menus," he says before walking away.

"Prick," Chase mutters, and I smack his arm from across the table.

"He's just being nice," I say to him, and he gives me a look that calls me stupid without using words.

"Please, it's obvious he wants to sleep with you," he says, and I tense at the subject. I'm not sure if Chase knows that I'm a virgin, and I'm not ashamed, but sex is still an awkward subject for me.

"I doubt that, he's just doing his job," I say, Chase shaking his head.

"Yeah, except he's looking for a different kind of tip," he says, and I frown.

"Well obviously he won't be getting one, so let's drop the subject," I say, and Chase nods.

"So, I think we should talk about this while we have a chance," I say, pointing between Chase and I.

"What about it?" He asks, and I pause to figure out how I want to word things.

"I know you said you want to be with me, and only me, but are we labeling it? Are we exclusive?" I ask, the two questions something I've been dying to know.

"I'd like to think we're exclusive, if that's something you want," he says, and I smile.

"Of course it is," I answer, Chase smiling back.

"I don't really like labels, though," he says, and I shrug.

"Labels aren't important," he nods at my answer before I continue. "So, we're everything a couple is... except for the label?" I ask, trying to clarify completely.

"Yes, we're dating without the title," Chase answers, and I nod.

The waiter comes back with our waters before turning to ask Chase what he wants to eat. After scribbling it down, he turns to me and speaks.

"And for your beautiful friend?" He says, his eyes moving from Chase to meet mine.

"She's my girlfriend, actually," Chase spits, and I fight the urge to smirk.

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