chapter 13

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dear diary,

I've decided, after a lot of thinking, that I'm not going to try and convince Chase to change his mind.

I would be annoyed if someone tried to rewire my brain, and honestly any attempt at a relationship I make is foolish on my part anyway.

maybe we're better off being just friends, and the kiss was some form of tension we needed to get out of the way.

while im sad it won't happen again, it is undoubtedly for the better.

I shut my diary, not wanting to dwell on the topic of Chase any longer.

It's ridiculous for me to even consider going after him, when he's made his argument clear, and I have my own personal boundaries I shouldn't be crossing.

I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom, getting in the shower after peeing.

Once I'm done with that, I walk over to the closet and grab a pair of loose jeans and a fitted t-shirt, throwing my curls into a messy bun on top of my head.

I pull a few pieces out to frame my face, look in the mirror and decide it's good enough.

I walk downstairs to see another 20 on the counter, no note next to it.

I sigh, grabbing the money and my keys before walking out the front door and to my car.

I pull into the school parking lot and sit in the car for a few minutes before hearing a knock on the window.

I look to my left and see an attractive boy standing outside my window, and I swear I recognize him from somewhere but just can't put the pieces together.

I roll the window down and smile.

"Hi, what can I do for you?" What the fuck was that? I sound like I'm working as a salesperson.

My inability to talk to men is remarkable.

"You have no idea who I am, do you," He says, his face lit up in a smile.

"I'm sorry- you do look really familiar, I just can't remember where I've seen your face," I say, and he laughs.

"My name is Chris, does that help?"

Chris.... where do I know that name from?

Then it hits me. The party.

"Oh my god, Chris, right! The party. We kissed. I totally remember now!" I say, spewing information out.

He laughs again, the sound admittedly nice.

"Well I'm glad you remember that, it was a pretty great kiss," He says, and I smile.

He isn't wrong.

"So, what's up!" I say.

"Well, I saw you pull in and figured I'd come over and shoot my shot. Can I get your number?" He says, being straight to the point.

We already made out, so I guess there's no need to be shy.

"Yeah, of course." I say, and he hands over his phone.

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