chapter 40

133 8 4

Chases POV

Thirty five emails. I've gotten thirty five emails in the past few weeks from my parents, begging and begging me to give them another chance. Every email I've received, has been moved straight to the trash bin.

Until today, because the newest email has caught my attention.


Your mother and I continue to ask you for another chance. While we have made it clear we have been aware of your drive by's, we have not made it clear why we need you here.

Your sister, Annabelle, has come down with a very serious case of pneumonia. We are not sure what the outcome will be, and are very regretful that she has never met her brother.

We beg of you to come here, for dinner, if not a few times then at least once. Not for us, but for your sister. She has heard us talking about you and wishes to meet her big brother.


I've read the email at least ten times now, and each time I read it the harder it is to do so. Is this some sort of guilt trip? Their sad way of enticing me into dinner with them?

Why would I want to go there to meet my sibling who I may not have much time with? Is it wrong of me to be against that?

After dropping Delaney off last night, I saw the email and didn't open it. I figured it would be the same as every other email, and was about to just delete it, but this morning I figured after thirty four emails one of them was bound to be important.

I was right, only I wish I wasn't. I wish I had just deleted it, and never read it, because I'm close to giving in to them. A little girl, my sister, is sick and what could possibly be her last dying wish is to meet me. How the fuck do I say no to that?

I pick up my phone and call Delaney, because maybe she can help me figure out what the right move in this situation is. She picks up after the third ring, and I can tell she's smiling when she greets me.

"Hey!" She greets in a cheery tone, and I wish I didn't have to take it away from her.

"Hey. Do you think you can come over? I need to talk to you," I say, and I realize how cryptic I sound after I already said it.

"Yeah of course, is everything alright?" She asks, and I can hear the worry in her voice.

"I'm not really sure, I'll explain when you get here," I answer honestly, and I can hear movement from the other end of the line.

"I'm leaving now, I'll be over soon."

The line goes dead after I answer her, and my time waiting for her arrival is spent with my hands knotted in my hair and my feet pacing back and forth.

Finally three knocks echo through my house, and I make my way over to the door to let her in.

"What's going on?" She rakes her eyes up and down my body, and I can tell it's obvious how unsettled I am.

I tell her to follow me, leading her upstairs into my room and sitting her down on my bed. I hand her the laptop with the email still open, and watch as her eyes scan the screen multiple times before they lift to meet my gaze.

dear diaryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon