chapter 36

174 11 4

Part 2

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, Chases eyebrows raising as his hands run through his hair.

He takes the lead, guiding us in the direction of a closed room. He grabs a key off the top of the doorframe and inserts it in the keyhole, twisting it and opening the door to an empty room. Solitude has never looked better.

He grabs my hips again, pulling me towards the bed but before he can sit me down, I sit him down instead. I straddle his lap, returning my lips to his for a few seconds before climbing off him and kneeling on the floor between his open legs.

After taking off the ridiculous party hat I forgot I had on, he places his hands in my hair from above me. The look of hunger in his eyes is undoubtedly matching mine, nothing but electricity traveling between us. He wets his bottom lip with his tongue, my hands on his thighs as I stare up at him through my lashes.

"You're drunk, Del," his hands are still rooted in my hair, thumbs rubbing circles on my scalp as I stare up at him through hooded eyes.

"We both are," I rasp, wanting desperately to rip his pants off. I don't know what's come over me.

"I don't want you to do anything you'll regret tomorrow," his eyes don't leave mine, the tension in the room getting thicker and thicker the longer my hands stay rubbing his thighs.

"Let me make you feel good," I whine, wondering why he's so hesitant about this. I understand I'm drunk, but so is he, and I'm clearly giving consent. "I want this, baby."

He drops his head back and lets out a throaty groan, and I can tell he's seconds away from giving in to me. My hands act on their own accord, my fingers which are finally free of bandaids working to undo the button of his jeans and pulling the zipper down. I've never done anything like this, which he knows but I don't want it to be obvious.

"Are you sure you want to this?" He asks again, and I smile at his persistent need of consent.

"I'm positive, I just don't know where to start," I say with a shy smile. I don't want to do the wrong thing, I won't be able to handle the humiliation.

"Anything you do to me right now is probably going to make me come embarrassingly fast, Del. I'm fucking infatuated with you, don't be nervous," he says, his hands still in my hair as I lean forward on my knees, grabbing the waist line of his jeans and tugging them down to his feet.

I can already tell he's working with a lot from the outline in his boxers, my stomach knotting with both excitement and nervousness as the gravity of the situation washes over me.

I place a kiss on his knee, trailing my lips up his thigh until I reach his stomach. I press a final kiss above the waistline of his boxers before grabbing them with my fingers and tugging them down.

I take my bottom lip between my teeth and stare at whats in front of me, his dick a lot bigger than I expected but at the same time exactly what I pictured it to be. Not that I've spent time picturing it, but you know what I mean.

I hum at him and run my tongue along my bottom lip, ready to get started but also nervous on where to begin. I don't want to make a fool of myself, but I know he's tired of waiting. I run my hands up and down his thighs, mustering up the courage to actually take him in my hand and start touching him.

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