chapter 11

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dear diary,

last night feels like a movie, an out of body experience.

i want to strangle whoever called the cops, me and chase were just getting somewhere.

now I have to wait until tomorrow, and i doubt he'll give me any information in class.

now that he's opened up, im worried that I'll have to do the same. I trust Chase, and I want to tell him everything, it's just something I've never done before.

i just hope he gives me some time.

I shut my diary and sit up in bed, my head immediately pounding.

I guess today will be my first encounter with a hangover, something I'm not looking forward to.

I walk downstairs to grab some water and an aspirin, hearing a knock on my door. I quickly swallow the pill before walking to the door.

I open it to see Blaire, she looks terrible.

"I have the worst hangover right now," She mutters, pushing past me and throwing herself on the couch.

"Blaire, you barely drank anything," I say with a laugh.

"I know! I can't begin to imagine how you must feel," She says, rubbing her temples. She must be a really bad lightweight.

"Do you want aspirin, or water?" I ask, and she nods. She swallows the pill, shutting her eyes before speaking.

"So, did anything else happen last night after we left the hallway?" She asks, and I nod before realizing she can't see me.

"Yeah, me and Chase sort of made up," I say, not wanting to go too in detail about it. I know she'll ask questions if I tell her he opened up to me, and I won't be able to answer them.

"Oh yeah, I saw him pull you away from Tyler and down the hallway- what was that about?"

"Well he just wanted some privacy, and then he said that he was just having a bad day and apologized for being rude," I lie. Hopefully she believes me, Chase doesn't really seem like the type to apologize.

"He apologized?" She asks, and I curse myself for not thinking of a better lie.

"Not directly, but I knew that's what he meant," I say, hoping that makes more sense.

"Oh, I guess that makes a little more sense."

"Anything else between you and Ethan?" I ask, hoping she has something to tell me that serves as a distraction to the pounding behind my eyes.

"We just made out some more and decided we aren't gonna pursue other people, but we also aren't going to label it. Things are so easy between us, I never would've thought this could happen," She says, and I can't help but feel jealous.

Her relationship with Ethan is so simple, they know they like each other and that's that. Why can't I have something like that?

Then again, it's probably better I don't being that I could be moving schools again next week without even knowing.

"I love that for you Blaire!" I say, being honest. If anyone deserves this it's her.

We spend the rest of the day eating ice cream, which we had to go buy because I still haven't went shopping, and watching movies.

My headache took forever to go away, but I'm just thankful I haven't been hunched over the toilet all day.

She left my house at 10 o'clock, and now I'm in my room cleaning up a little bit. I've fallen behind with laundry, so I want to gather my clothes and bring them downstairs.

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