chapter 24

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The rest of the week went by slowly, the universe apparently knowing how excited I was for the party tonight.

Chase had eventually let Tyler's comment go, after a lot of convincing, but his glares during psych weren't exactly invisible.

I still have yet to come up with an excuse for my mom, she's been in her room all day and hasn't said a word to me.

I would just go, but since no one wants to DD we're sleeping at the party and I don't think it would be smart for me to disappear all night and stumble through the front door hungover tomorrow morning.

The boys apparently know Dan, they played football together, so it's safe for us to sleep there. He is also apparently very rich, and has bordered off two of his guest rooms for us. Yes, I said two guest rooms.

I don't even see that sort of wealth in my dreams.

I take my phone out and dial Chases number, figuring he might be able to help me come up with an excuse.

He answers on the third ring, greeting me enthusiastically.

"Hey! What's up?" He says, and I bite back a smile.

"I sort of need help coming up with an excuse for my mom, she can't exactly know where I am tonight," I say, and he takes a pause to think.

"Tell her you're sleeping over Blaire's for the night," he says, and I realize I'm an idiot.

That's literally the perfect excuse, why hadn't I thought of that?

"You're right, I'm an idiot. Thanks," I say, and he laughs.

"I take it you've never had a reason to lie to her before?"

"No, I haven't," I say honestly.

"It'll get easier. I have to get a few things ready for tonight, part of the deal with Dan is that me and the guys help him set up. I'll see you later, yeah?" He says, and I nod until I remember he can't see me.

"Yeah, see you later. Can't wait to meet party Chase," I say, and he groans.

"God, I have some high expectations to live up to here," he says, and I laugh.

"I'm sure I'll love him," I say, wanting to slap myself in the face immediately afterwards. Love, really?

We both know I didn't mean it like that, but I still should've chosen different words.

"See you later, Del," he says, and I hang the phone up before I embarrass myself further.

I am looking forward to seeing party Chase, because part of me is hoping he'll be the one to give me a sign about what sober Chase is feeling.

Drunk words are sober thoughts, right?

Hopefully his drunk behavior screams 'Delaney, you're the only girl I want'. I know that's a little unrealistic considering we're talking about Chase here, but a girl can dream.

I have about an hour and half before I leave for Blaire's, where I'm supposed to help her get ready for tonight. I'm not sure how much help I'll be considering I'm fashionably crippled, but she said I'm capable enough to give her an opinion.

I go upstairs and knock on my mothers door, waiting for her to invite me in, which she never does. I knock again, and again, until she finally prompts me to come in.

I swing the door open and walk in a few feet, seeing her room torn apart and a half empty whiskey bottle on her bed. I sigh before looking at her, curled up on her bed with magazines and clothes scattered around her.

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