chapter 49

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dear diary,

Chase wasn't lying when he said he had big plans for us this weekend. Today, we're going on a trip with the guys, Blaire and Claire. Then tomorrow, he told me that he wants me all to himself for the day.

He said that he cashed his mothers check, and booked each couple a room at a cute little hotel resort along the beach. It takes about an hour to actually get to the beach from where we are, and I'm excited for this little road trip.

The only travel I've done in this town was to the safe house, and I think it's pretty obvious that was not a vacation I enjoyed.

I also haven't been to the beach in a long time, so I'm looking forward to that. I'm also looking forward to seeing Chase shirtless for a long period of time.

I'm almost done writing in my diary, and I plan on bringing it with me so that I can read it while Chase is there. Maybe not in front of him, but having home close by will be nice.

My mother said that she wants to plan the wedding sooner rather than-

A vibration in my pocket halts the movement of my pencil, and I pull my phone out to see a text from Blaire.

Blaire: can i come over to pack? im assuming you need help too haha

I chuckle at her text, because she's right. I packed what I want to bring, but I could use Blaires approval of my choices.

Me: yeah, I could use your expert opinion. come over now?

Blaire: on my way!

Chase and I are planning to stay the entire weekend, but the rest of the group are only booked for tonight. Chase swayed my mother into letting me skip school on Monday so that we could sleep in the hotel room for two nights. I'm not sure how he convinced her, but something tells me it wouldn't have worked if she never read my diary.

Blaire and Ethan have dinner with his family on Sunday for a birthday, and Matt and Claire can't stay because she has work. So Chase and I have the whole day Sunday to be alone on the beach, which I'm looking forward to.

I haven't been to the beach in a while, and I haven't been swimming in what feels like forever. I've always loved the feeling of being underwater, submerged in silence as the water makes my body feel weightless. It's such an overwhelming feeling of peace, and it's something I realize I've needed.

I obviously won't be swimming in the ocean seeing as I don't want to freeze to death, but Chase told us that the hotel has a pretty nice indoor pool.

Blaire gets to my house pretty quickly, and when she empties a duffel bag full of clothes on my bed I stare at her with a quizzical look.

"Blaire, you do realize you're staying for one night, right? Not a year?" I ask, because the pile of clothes on my bed makes me think that her and Ethan plan on running away and never coming back. She sure has the materials for it.

"I know, I know. I just want to make sure I bring the perfect outfits, you know? Perfect bathing suit, dinner outfit, and perfect pajamas," she says, and I just nod. "Am I overthinking this?"

"Maybe just a little bit," I tell her, pinching my fingers together as I speak.

"Okay, well, what are you bringing?" she asks, and I grab my bag. I had packed a little bit before I started writing, I just hope Blaire agrees with my choices so that I don't have to pack all over again.

"So, I went with my trusty jeans and a crop top for dinner tonight, and I'm gonna wear a jacket so I could always throw that on if I get cold. Then for tomorrow night I'll probably wear the same jeans and I packed this shirt," I start, taking my clothes out and showing her. Once she gives me a nod of approval, I continue. "As for my bathing suit, I chose a black bikini," I hold it up for her, and she nods with a smile this time.

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