chapter 31

163 9 1

Chases POV

The fact that I have a girlfriend now is still something I'm getting used to. I don't know what's more shocking, the fact that I've actually found someone worth breaking my rule for, or the fact that I'm enjoying being in a relationship so much.

I thought I'd at least be skeptical about asking Delaney to be my girlfriend, but it's been the opposite. We've spent pretty much everyday of the break together, the group spending New Years at Matt's.

She told me what the new year means to her, and I'm sort of praying with every fiber of my being that this year treats her with a little more kindness than last year did. If anyone deserves that it's her.

I think I have an idea of what I want to get her for her birthday. She said no gifts, which is why it's something small, but I know she'll appreciate it nonetheless.

I've burnt through most of my money, considering I have bills to pay and a mortgage to keep up with, so I have a fight later today. I'm not sure whether I want to tell Delaney or not, because I know she'll want to come, but I also don't want to keep it from her.

I decide that arguing with her over not coming is better than lying, and grab my phone to call her.

It rings three times before she picks up, a smile on my face when I hear her voice.

"Hey!" She greets, and I can tell that she's smiling too.

"I just wanted to let you know that I have a fight later today, and before you ask, no you're not coming," I say, getting straight to the point but with no luck.

"You said I could come to your next fight!" She says, and I sigh.

"I was sort of hoping you'd forget I said that."

"Yeah right, Chase. I want to be there for you, please let me come," she says, her tone desperate and I curse my imagination for showing me the face I know she's making.

"God, fine. But you need to stay near me at all times, and in my sight while I'm fighting, got it?" I say, giving in way easier than I'd like to.

"Yes! What time?"

"I'll come pick you up at 7, it's an hour away. Thirty minutes or so from the last one you came to," I tell her, and I can almost sense her nod through the phone.

I've noticed she has a habit of forgetting people can't see her while she's talking on the phone.

It's been sort of nice to pick up her habits, spending time with her has helped me realize how much she's starting to mean to me. As dramatic as it sounds, she's sort of the only bright thing I have in my life right now. 

My parents have been reaching out to me, something I've been meaning to talk to her about but just haven't found the right time yet. I'm not avoiding the subject on purpose, but I'm afraid that's what she'll think if I don't tell her soon.

I'm not sure how they even got my email, or why they decided to reach out, because I haven't answered.

I almost don't want to, both because I'm not sure what I'd even say and because I don't want to give them the satisfaction of thinking I'd come running back to them.

dear diaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora