chapter 28

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Today is our last full day at the ski resort, and Chase has promised me that I'll be an Olympic grade skier by the time he's done with me.

I don't know whether I should be afraid of his determination or not, but something tells me I'm going to be numb by the end of today.

"You almost ready to go?" He asks, standing across from me in multiple layers and ski goggles on his forehead.

"Yeah, just let me grab my skis and we can go," I answer, walking to the spot where I had thrown my skis down last night and grabbing them.

"We're gonna start on the bunny hill and work our way up, I think you'll catch on pretty quick once you get the hang of it," he tells me as we leave the room, heading down to the lobby where the rest of the group was told to meet us.

"You must've forgotten who you're talking to, I couldn't stay on my feet for more than two seconds Friday," I say, and he laughs.

"Yeah you really were a train wreck, but I wasn't really doing much to help you. Don't worry, it'll be a lot more fun today."

"Alright, if you say so," I answer, him giving me a smile as he takes my hand in his own.

We make our way down to the lobby, Blaire's smile beaming at me as she looks at my hand in Chases.

I give her a smile back, in a way that tells her I'll explain everything once I get the chance.

Matt is riding solo today, which goes against the school rules but after explaining to one of the chaperones, using his charm, that he's an amazing skier they agreed to let him go alone.

Ethan and Blaire get on the lift first, then Matt, Chase and I waving goodbye to them as we make our way towards the much smaller hill that doesn't even require a lift.

"This is so embarrassing," I mumble, taking in the hill before us that no one over the age of 10 is skiing.

"You have to learn somehow," he says in an attempt to reassure me, but I'm still humiliated.

I'd rather eat dirt all day than be caught skiing with pre-teens.

"Alright, get your skis on and sit down," he demands, and I do as I'm told.

Once I'm sat down, he walks in front of me and starts showing me some of the important techniques that I need, the most important being how to stop or slow down.

"Alright, now get up and show me what I just showed you," he says, and I nod.

I stand, after struggling to get up with these skis on my feet, and start repeating the movements Chase had just done.

"Not bad, now let's put them to use. I'm gonna go down first and you're gonna watch, then when I come back up we can go down together, sound good?" He says, and I just nod in awe.

I'll have to let Chase teach me things more often, because he's looking pretty sexy right now.

He steadies himself before pushing forward, sending himself down the small hill with ease before coming to a stop at the bottom. I send him a thumbs up, which he returns with a smile before making the hike back up to me.

"See? Totally easy," he says, and I shake off my reluctance and take Chases hand.

"On the count of three, push off and we'll go," he says. "Remember to take it slow, use the technique I showed you to stop when we get to the end."

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