chapter 17

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Delaneys POV

It's been about a week since Chase brought me to his parents' new house, and I haven't laid a finger on my diary.

My mother stayed true to her word, I haven't seen her once this week. School went by quickly, nothing happening besides Mackenzies usual glares and Matt acting like a complete moron.

I went to bed last night with a lot on my mind, and I knew before I fell asleep that I wasn't going to be having a sweet dream.

I woke up at around 2am, drenched in my own sweat, images of broken glass and blood flashing through my head. I could still hear the sirens when I opened my eyes.

I picked up my phone, ready to call Chase like he told me to, but I couldn't get out of my own head. I knew that his voice over the phone wouldn't do anything for me, but I couldn't just sit here and relive the dream over and over like I usually do.

What sucks the most is my mother is right down the hall, tucked away in her room, oblivious to my nightmare. Even if she knew I'd had it, it's been made pretty clear she wouldn't give a shit anyway.

I decide I'm not going to allow myself to stare at my phone any longer, and that I need to get out of my house. I need to get out of my head.

That's how I end up on Chases porch with my fist raised, ready to knock.

It's 3am now, who do I think I am showing up here? I should've just called, let it go to voicemail, and given up.

I contemplate turning around and going home, but then I hear them.


To be completely honest, I don't know if they're actually happening, or if my mind is fucked beyond return to the point where I'm imagining it, but the sound alone has my fist connecting with Chases front door.

I hear rustling, and move my hands to cover my ears as tears help themselves down my cheeks.

Here I am again, feeling pathetic. That seems to be the only thing I feel these days.

The door swings open, and there stands Chase shirtless in low hanging sweats. On any other day, I probably would've had heart palpitations, but I really just need to be away from these sirens right now.

My guess is he hears them too, as he takes in my frantic state and pulls me inside, shutting the door and locking it. The sound doesn't disappear completely, but I don't hear them with my hands on my ears.

He lets me ride them out with my hands on my ears before putting his over mine, and lowering them slowly.

"Hey, they're gone, you're okay," He says, his voice deep and thick considering he had just been woken from sleep.

Again, I wish I wasn't in such a shitty state so I could appreciate it.

I cover my face with my hands and shake my head, before dragging them down my face and crossing my arms.

I try so hard not to cry, because it's always so awkward crying in front of people.

"Another nightmare?" He says, and I nod.

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