chapter 46

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dear diary,

after dinner yesterday, and talking with Chase afterwards, a lot has been cleared up for me. I've learned a lot more about his past, and its helped me realize why he can be so short tempered sometimes.

his father was abusive, and his mother couldn't do anything about it. he's been through so much more than i had imagined, and it makes me sad that he's been holding on to this for so long.

i didn't get much sleep last night because my mind refused to shut itself off. i thought of Chase as a little boy, getting his ass kicked for something that wasn't even his fault. maybe if his father had actually been there, and taught him a thing or two, he wouldn't have crashed into his car.

Chase and i have both had it bad, in different ways, and his troubles have sort of brought us closer. i had always suspected there was more to the story, i had just convinced myself for Chases sake that it wasn't as bad as it really is.

i wish there was something i could do to take Chases pain away, but there isn't. all i can do is be there for him the same way he's been there for me.

I shut my diary and get out of bed, seeing as I don't have much time before I need to leave for school. I had gotten dressed already, after taking a quick shower, and decided I needed to write for a little while before leaving for school.

I'm getting closer and closer to the end of my diary, and I'm itching with anticipation to see what Chase has written in the back of the book. He seemed nervous when I brought it up, which only makes me more curious, but I've stuck to my word despite the numerous times I've found myself wanting to peek.

When I say numerous times, I mean numerous times. I wish he hadn't of told me about it, because I wouldn't have wanted to rip through the pages and read his note.

I sigh and slip on my shoes, because the longer I stand here and think about the last page, the more tempted I feel to just say fuck it and read it. I mean, I could just read it and tell him I finished writing, can't I?

I shake my head and leave my room, shutting the door behind me and leaving the diary sat on my bed. Cheating would be unfair to Chase, and maybe there's a reason he wants the suspense to build up.

I get to school at the same time as I usually do, and I find Tyler leaning against the fence in front of my parking space. I shut the engine off and step out of the car, just about ready to explode on him. His constant appearance isn't just annoying at this point, it's creepy.

"What do you want, Tyler! You've been everywhere these past couple of days, why the hell can't you leave me alone?" I stomp over to him, stopping a foot in front of him and throwing my hands up.

"Lower your voice, you sound crazy," He mumbles, and I scoff in his face.

"I'm the crazy one? You've practically been stalking me," I say back, but before he can respond someone else does.

"Is there a problem here?" I recognize the voice immediately, and my body relaxes as Chase approaches us and slings his arm over my shoulder. "Because I think she asked you to fuck off."

"I don't recall asking you," Tyler says, and his courage when it comes to standing up to Chase still shocks me.

"Well, I'm only gonna ask you once. Leave Delaney alone or there will be a problem," Chase says, dropping his arm from my shoulders and taking a menacing step towards Tyler. If you weren't looking you would've missed it, but I caught the fear that flashes through his eyes as Chase steps closer to him.

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