Chapter 8- the assault

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I watched the Scouts. They were like a flock of crows flying towards the fields of seeds just sown. The jaw Titan must have been thinking humans going to kill him. Why? And then he would realise who they were- who we were. We were their devils of Paradis Island.
That was when the gunfire began, aimed towards those same crows, who began to scatter.
Levi landed beside me.
"You alright?" He asked. His eyes roamed my body. I knew he was checking for wounds or injuries.
He just shot me a piercing look and tched.
"Retreat." He scoffed and flew off. I was behind him in seconds. Eren behind us, being carried by Mikasa.
We began to dodge and dive, moving much like dancers in the blackness.
"Shit." I heard Jean cuss and I turned to watch him fly through a window, where a barrage of ammunition followed him.
I growled. And transformed yet again.
"Lay-" I heard Levi call, but his voice was drowned out from the gunfire.
I hardened my skin and headed towards the guns, ripping it from its shield and using it as a baton to destroy not only that one but the others firing on my friends, family and comrades. When I was finished I flung it away, disgusted with my actions. But no more of my family would die. And not here.
Unfortunately that was when the assault began again and I didn't have time to harden my skin.
Bullets ripped through tendons and muscles and I roared in pain. I turned glaring.
The Cart Titan stood there, machine guns blazing. So they had finally made it huh? I roared in defiance, steam pouring from my wounds, hardened skin forming to protect those holes in my flesh.
It stood on all fours merely blinking before it gave off another round of fire.
This time I was ready, I used the warhammer titans ability and created a giant shield. Bullets pinged off the shell I had formed.
Underneath that I heard footsteps, huge lumbering ones, heavy and flat. I looked over my shoulder. The beast Titan had made its appearance. I laughed. Levi had been waiting for this day. A chance to kill the beast Titan and take revenge for Erwin.
"Let none escape." It spoke. "Kill them all."
He began to run towards me and I threw back my head emitting a scream that even the fiercest warrior would have cringed at. And I watched, their hands went to their ears to block it out. All except the beast Titan. He continued forwards.
I watched as my lover retracted his swords and flew to meet the beast Titan.
I screamed again. This time forcing my human mouth to shout.
"Enough!" Both man and beast stopped. A human sounding voice from a Titan? One who had been doing all it could, a mixture of friend and foe?
"There has been enough blood spilt this night." I said, my gaze going to the red eyed beast Titan.
"And more will fill it." He added. "Yours and all the devils with you."
I just laughed. "Devils? Really? Who attacked who first? Who started slaughtering thousands upon thousands of people who had their memories wiped, who lived behind stone cold walls, who were eaten by people like you!" This made them pause and I heard the gunfire cease. Good they were listening.
"People who had no idea of their ancestors, who were living in peace. Who died because of your greed!" I continued. "Like tonight people you have loved is but an ant compared to how many your supposed devils have lost. Their blood is on the people of Marley and the Eldians who reside here, innocent men, women and children, just like those beneath the rubble." I turned flinging the shield down.
"But your devils." The beast Titan said.
"Devils we may be. But this is nothing compared to how many have died for your greed, for Marley's greed." I said. "And you have no idea who you have just pissed off." I growled.
I opened my mouth, using the Titans voice to project my human one.
"I'm so tired of pretending, where's my happy ending? I followed all the rules, drew inside the lines. I never asked for anything that wasn't mine. I waited patiently for my time, but when it finally came war called your name. And now I feel this overwhelming pain, I mean it's in my veins, it's in my brain, my thoughts are turning in circles like toy trains. I'm like a perfect picture with a broken frame, I know exactly who to blame."
I glared. "I never thought of myself as mean. I always thought that I'd be just me, coz there's no in between, coz if I can't have that, then I will be the devil in the dark and bad, now there's  a devil on my shoulder where the angels used to be. And it's calling me the Queen." I roared at the end and launched myself at the beast Titan, a spear of hardened skin forming, piercing him through the the nape. And I watched as Levi followed suit, slicing from behind.

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