Update but also not an update

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Go read the journal if you haven't. It's where I've explained myself so I don't have to do it twice. Thank you.

So, I've edited the story. It really bothered me in certain places and I decided before anything else, I was going to make a version that I actually enjoyed and would better match up with what new stuff I'd be putting out next. And that's what I did, so here's a list of explanations behind what and did and sort of why I've done it.

-Everything is now in the past tense. It's what I found to be the easiest to convey everything I want to say

-Reader's personality is better honed in. Less wishy washy in some places. Also less, I dunno kid-like? Cut me some slack though a good part of this was written when I was 16.

-Slowed down a good bit in some places because man did I rush some things in this bad boy

-Time changes! As I said I slowed things down and what I mean by that besides taking my time with character devlopment is that I also lengthened the time before the Maiden's ball. It's now about three-four months instead of barely two. Made more sense to me.

-Certain scenes were added to, others, if I didn't find them salvageable, were scrapped. The best examples of this is in chapter 2 where Blitz and the reader got more interaction and chapter 3 where the bar scene was extended and tweaked. Chapter 8 (Blitz's chapter) also got partially scrapped and rewrote, more on that in a bit.

-Adding on to that, so much more interactions and dialogue that its absurd that I didn't have this much before

-CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IS ACTUALLY DECENT. Again, things were slowed down and tweaked. Personalities were worked on to be more consistent and in general better?? Best examples would be with Oriana, Wilkrune (god did I do her dirty), and the crew (more realistic because og crew is like something out of a fantasy realm, besides Glen, cool grandma stayed the same).

-Character Addition! He's not around a lot but Vlad is now actually apart of the story instead of just being mentioned one time in chapter 1. He actually took some of Percy's dialogue/place in the first few chapters at the palace and such so that Perce could get better development. Again, additional dialogue and scenes to just make it that much longer than it already is.

-Blitz's chapter got a reboot but in a good way. So much of a reboot that I saw potential to rework certain pieces and make it later in the series. Basically, I added too much content that gives away too much, so I took parts from it and added it to the surronding chapters. I did this with multiple chapters as you will see below.

-Chapter rearrangement. What I mean by that is that to add more flow between chapters I took scenes that went together that were initially split up into the same chapter. Best examples would be combining the end of 3 with the beginning of 4 and the end of 4 with the beginning of 5.

-Because of this chapter rearrangement the newest chapter is now technically filling the spot of XV. So you will need to read XV. again BECAUSE IT IS NEW I will be posting it shortly

-ALSO you're going to notice some inconsistiencies here and there and so I don't get called out for them, they're intentional. Don't worry about, don't think about it, they serve a purpose.

-(Pretend there's clapping in between words) Just. In. General. Better. Quality. That. I'm. Genuinely. Proud. Of.

-Is it perfect? No. It is great? Yeah sort of. It makes me happy enough for now. I'll probably hate it again in a few months. For now though it's good.

-Also I removed my art. It embarasses me. Y'all can make fanart if you want art at the top of chapters.

TL; DR: past tense story, better dialogue and interactions, better character personalities and development, additional character so others can develop better, longer chapters for longer scenes/better pacing

So yeah, it's better. And I worked real hard on it so I would like to here what you guy's think if you decide to read it. Don't be shy, if you hate it, say it. But also like, explain why you hate it because that would be helpful. Again, it's optional, there are no major plot changes. Just a few things that will be noticeably different with some characters' personalities and minor changes here and there with storyline/plot. But anyway, 15 will be released within the hour. I wanted to give some time for everyone that wants to to skim through the new content in the previous chapters. If you've read the journal than you know that we now have a continous schedule. I've decided that I'm going to work on getting you guys at the least 15 more chapters so you'll be at 30 total before I go back to writing for Dying Days. And trust me, a LOT happens in the next 15 or so. I would hope so anyway since there are 15 of them. If I feel like it I'll try and do more but that's the plan at least. Sorry for being gone for so long, again if you haven't read the journal go read it. I'm here now. Also sorry if this wasn't what you were looking for in an update, you get new content in an hour and its almost 20 pages. Alright, later my dudes.

Thank you,


Glass Bones, Glass Heart: Yandere X readerWhere stories live. Discover now