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Still can't smell! (As of writing this) Love it. On the bright side I can vaguely make out scents compared to nothing last week. Hope all is well and enjoy the chapter. (Future Twi, who also can't smell, sorry this is late, forgot I need to upload lol)

From there things were, awkward. There wasn't another word for it. The apology part was out of the way. But that was the easy stuff. The difficult part was what came after. The piece where you have to do what you said you were going to do.

But, Blitz kept his word. No one that I knew of-besides Lena, though that was a given-knew that I'd left my room at all. And it took a few more days but eventually I had a letter delievered to me in the Ladies' Parlor.

"What's it say?"


Pick the time and place and I'll be there.


"Oh what a way with words he has," I muttered. Seemed his skill had begun to decline instead of improve. Unless his Ezake letter wasn't written by him personally. Though given the content I doubted it.

"Y/N what's it say, come on we're on edge over here." Oriana said, quite literally on the edge of her chair.

There was about half of us sitting together in a group. The other half was sitting across the room in their own conversation. Anyone else was spilt into twos and threes. The only ones off by theirselves were Fawkone and Cariniss. Which I was too preoccupied to question fully.

By that time there had been definitive groups made. The only thing that ever changed that was the seating arrangements for breakfast and dinner. For the most part, you had two groups of High housers-which were together now save for Ursula, Ibenci, and Tiss-and three groups of regular Abominals. I flitted between the three Abominal groups, though typically stuck with Ori or Wilkrune if I was confident enough.

Ibenci scoffed, "You may be, I have better things to do than worry about letters someone else receives."

"Like what, Ibenci? How your nail chipped?"

She gasped, hiding her hand, "How did you see that?"

Tiss leaned forward getting right in front of her face, "I see everything."

They had a bit of a staring contest and it was Wilkrune who spoke up, running a hand down her face, almost smearing her makeup, "Oh, for the love of-Y/N please just get it over with."

I chuckled, folding my note back up, "Something along the lines of an invitation to an evening with his highness."

"Well it's about damn time."

"Kasen!" Lucona all but dropped her cup of tea.

"What?" She realized all eyes were on her, "Everyone, everyone was thinking it. I was just, was just the one t-to say it."

I waved it off, "Quite alright, Kasen. I was thinking the same thing myself."

"You're going to accept aren't you?"

"No I'm gonna turn him down-yes I'm going to accept," I shook my head, "Stars there are worse things in the world than this."

"Where do you think you'll go?"

"What do you think you'll do?"

"If I have anything to say about it," Which I did, "I'd perfer to stay in the grounds. Maybe, I don't know, tour the gardens."

"But you've already done that!" That was Lucona again.

"So I want to do it again! What's the matter with that?"

Glass Bones, Glass Heart: Yandere X readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin