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HEY READ THIS AND THE NOTE AT THE END (at least the part in all caps) PLEASE THANK YOU There's smut towards the end of this. Roughly a couple of paragraphs or so. You'll know it when you see it. Reader discretion is advised. As in, if you're a minor, please leave. Otherwise enjoy the chapter, see you at the end. After the smut I mean.

"How the fuck did I breathe in cyroradium?"

I was in my bed, four days after my interview. I had been comatose up until about an hour before. I woke up to Oriana passed out in a chair beside me, Lake praying over in the corner looking like she'd been crying for hours, and Shelly just, folding the same piece of laundry over and over. I was drowsy from sleep but other than that I felt, fine.

"Uh, hi?"

Shelly jumped staring at me wide eyed, Lake screamed, which caused Ori to wake up and promptly fall out of her chair at the sight of me.

"Okay, guess you all aren't in the mood for greetings," I sat up a little, body aching from lack of use.

Oriana scrambled up from the floor before tackling me in a hug, "Y/N! Oh my stars I thought we lost you."

Before I could say anything Lake joined her and I was crushed by them and their tears.

"I'm not that easy to get rid of, Ori," I coughed, "But if you two don't get off of me you just might succeed at it."

"Sorry! Sorry," She pulled away, though Lake took a little more convincing.

"Please don't ever do that again," She sniffed, arms squeezing that little bit tighter.

"I don't plan on it, trust me. Though if someone could tell me what the hell happened in the first place that'd be great," I pat her back, nodding at Shelly to help me out.

Shelly all but yanked Lake off of me, allowing the poor girl to cling to her instead, "You passed out during your interview Friday. Doc said you'd been poisoned, there was no telling when you were going to wake up. If you were going to wake up at all."

"What day is it now?"

I was then informed that it was then Tuesday and I'd been practically lifeless until that moment. They'd apparently done everything they could, it was just dependent on me and when I'd come out of it. Which fortunately, happened to be late that afternoon.

I had been bombarded by everyone coming and going including but not limited to, the crew, the majority of my fellow maidens, a few of the film crew from my interview-namely Archibal and Hugo-and I think even someone representing the King and Queen came to give their condolenscenes. I was quite the popularity magnet. Of course I'd been poisoned and everyone was under the assumption I'd probably not wake up, so there was reasoning for it.

"We don't know. But as I'm sure you know, it went straight for your lungs because of it."

At that moment I was sitting in bed still-hadn't really been allowed to get up-with Blitz sitting right beside me, gripping tightly to my hand. When he walked through the doors earlier he almost buckled over, presumably in relief. I think if my maids weren't still in the room at the time he may have cried.

Once they were gone I had to pry him off of me before the doctor came in. Promising him that he could cling to me plenty after she had left. Even then, he insisted on being as close as would be allowed of a Prince checking up on one of his consorts.

Glass Bones, Glass Heart: Yandere X readerWhere stories live. Discover now