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"You know I can't just let you off the hook for this."

"Let me off the hook- I didn't even do anything Blitz! She hit me, do I need to show you my bruised eye again to prove it?" I started to get off the bed, but he waved me away.

I put the ice back on my eye. I was still waiting on Shelly to come back with a mender. Which I was hoping was a while from then. I didn't need her walking in on my argument with the Crown Prince.

"You provoked her, all the witnesses claim that you said something to set her off. You need to be held responsible in some way because of that. If you want to save yourself you're going to need to tell me what and why," He walked over, putting my hands in his. "I'm trying to help you here, Y/N. That's all I desire from this."

I turned away, those sad pitiful eyes only make me more upset. It wasn't like I could actually tell him anyhow, there was no way that I could. As if he could side with me, he was one of them. Whether he wished to or not he had to pick them over me. For the time being anyway.

I ground my teeth, forcing out a response, "Nothing. I just pissed her off for the fun of it."

"Come on now I know you-"

"Maybe you don't know me as well as you think you do," I snapped looking back at him finally.

The grip on my hands tightened and then loosened. Blitz sighed, glancing down and back up again, "Alright," he stood up, "If that's the only reason you did it-"

"It is."

Another sigh, "...Then I have no choice but to restrict you to your room for the next five days. The only outside contact you can have is with your maids and your maids only."

"Blitz come on now, that's ridiculous and you know it."

"It's what I have to do, Y/N. Because this is the first issue to happen, and for it to be so soon... I have to make it clear that this type of behavior from anyone can not and will not be tolerated. I'm sorry that it had to be you."

"And what about my crew? The first event is the end of next week, we have to plan and prepare."

Turned out I was wrong on my timing. Only a little bit though. The rest of the maidens would all be there within the next few days. At least a good bit before the first event. Which was the beginning of Remembrance. It was a global holiday to honor Amarax and lasted the entire month.

Point was, I needed time to get ready. Specifically I needed to go over proper etiquette with Glenelan and speaking with Dan. Then I would need to let Kae and Nicius practice different looks to go with whatever outfit Celius designed and then go over all of it with Maria. Being stuck in my room was one thing, not being able to prepare with them was another.

"I suppose you should have thought of that before, hadn't you?" He was at the door now, but I wasn't letting him leave just yet. He wanted me to take half the blame, fine, but I was going to make it clear I would only take half at most.

"And what about her? You going to punish her too? Or just me, the oh so troublesome beastie? Who need I remind you, got punched in the face for saying a few fucking words that Juno Shields couldn't handle."

Looking around I knew I had to pick someone who's skin would be easy to get under. Lily or Wilkrune would have been good choices but Lily was too close with Carniss and Wilkrune didn't actually say anything. She laughed, but no words came out of her mouth. Meaning she either didn't have her heart in it or she just didn't have anything to add. Regardless, it kept her safe for the time being.

Glass Bones, Glass Heart: Yandere X readerWhere stories live. Discover now