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That feel when you have to split the chapter in half because it's too damn long on it's own. Sorry that it's been a bit, spring semester was rough on the soul and I despised the summer courses that I took. Also I got my tonsils out (which knocked me on my ass) and I started a YouTube channel and got distracted. BUT fall semester is done so now I can write again. Also, almost 50 people added the story to their library in under 2 weeks? Just from the sneek peak?? Thank you all so much???? But for real, I'm glad more people are finding and (hopefully) liking the story. Here is next chapter, enjoy.

"Do you have to do that?"

"Do what?" Blitz spun around and I had to keep myself from looking down.

"What are you going to do if someone sees you?"

"Smile, wave, and go about my business."

I groaned, laying back, "I knew I should have left when I woke up at five."

I should've, I thought about it for five minutes or so. It would have saved me the trouble I'd face later that morning. But, Blitzen was a cuddler and thus I was lulled back to sleep.

Only to deal with the full force of his idiocy and wonder where it all went wrong.

The sadness in his voice was laughable and entirely fake, "But you would have missed breakfast."

"Cold leftovers and coffee. Delectable."

"I'm sorry that they won't let me have a microwave anymore. Or use my bending indoors. If you'd like I can have something made and brought up for you."

"No, toaster oven would have been better anyway," I finally got out of bed, pulling on my clothes, "I think I'll just have another two or three of those rolls and call it good."

"There's only two or three left! You do not get all of them."

I ignored him and walked past into the study where said rolls were waiting for me. I sat down behind the desk. Splitting what was left into my rolls, and the remaining food.

"You can have everything else. Please just let me have this, the rolls are my favorite thing about this place." I didn't need to see his face to know he was probably pouting or acting shocked, "Don't give me that, you know I meant the food."

"See I don't actually know that for a fact."

I felt Blitz's arms wrap around me, resting his chin on my head for a moment.

I pat one of his arms with my free hand, "I'm sorry you get jealous over the idea of a piece of bread being more important to me than you."

He shifted, moving to nip at my neck, "You could always," his grip around me tightens, "Make it up to me. Bit of a reminder, so to say."

I scoffed, shaking him off, "Blitz I already told you we are not doing this this morning. I need to get back before 10 which is when I told Lake she could come check on me."

"You should have said 11," He replied, moving to stand beside me. At least he found some pants.

"Like you could la-"

"I sure fucking did last night, didn't I?"

I paused for a second, then nodded, "True, I won't deny you that. I was impressed to say the least."

"As you should be, stamina is not a blessing but a skill. One that I have mastered."

I went back to my food, shaking my head, "Talking about yourself only makes me not want to have sex with you, Blitz."

Glass Bones, Glass Heart: Yandere X readerWhere stories live. Discover now