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Posting early bc I'll be busy on Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas if you celebrate! Otherwise happy holidays, I hope you all are safe and healthy and able to spend time with those you care about ^-^ Here's the other half of the previous chapter, once you see how long it is you'll understand why I had to split it. There was just too much content to keep it all together. But hopefully you'll still enjoy it. ALSO THANK YOU FOR THE COMMENTS, THEY ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED AND MAKE ME SMILE

Before I could blink it was the following Thursday and I was prepping for my interview the next day. Danuck seemed to forget the previous week ever happened, or wanted to. He was strictly business as we reviewed for one final time.

"How do you feel about your competition?"

We were out on the balcony again, the only place quiet enough to not deal with the chaos going on in my room.

Celius was freaking out because the dress I was going to wear for the interview had somehow aquirred a ripped seam. Glen could barely keep him away from Kae who was looking incredibly guitly with that smirk on her face. Nicius was nowhere to be found due to being on call on the other side of the palace. Some noblewoman sprained her wrist or something.

All the noise was making Maria neurotic as she went over her schedules and files. Supposedly there had been a bit of bad press about me that she was trying to deal with on top of Celius loosing his mind and Nicius being missing. Meanwhile Shelly and Lake were just trying to tidy the space up from where the crew had ravaged it and were failing miserably.

I folded my hands in my lap as I thought over my answer, "What do you mean? As people I find everyone that I've had the chance to get to know to be pleasant to be around. We've certainly had fun with each other on a few occasions."

"Do you believe you can beat them out for the Prince's heart? That you're a better candidate for queen then they are?"

'Oh if only you knew, Dan.'

I stopped myself from snickering, "I believe that's up to His Highness to decide. If he feels a stronger connection to them than I, who am I to deny him that happiness? When it comes to being queen, I can't disregard the fact that a large portion of them come from the High Houses. I wouldn't doubt they've been trained to handle this or being leaders of their House. However anyone has the capability to learn, myself included. I'm more than willing to do so should I be chosen. I believe that makes me just as good of a cadidate as them."


'We'll worry about it when we get there.'

'You truly think that's the best option?'

'No, but it's the best option for right now so it's what I'm doing.'

Danuck closed his binder, "Well, that's the end of what I have. Try to sell yourself a bit more. It's fine to be humble but too much comes off as low confidence and could cost you greatly. Other than that, you're as prepared as I can make you. I think Maria wanted to go over your schedule before you left for dinner."

"Sounds good," I nodded, standing up, "I'll go talk to her now."

He went back paper to his paperwork, I doubt even caring if I had just told him to rot in hell.

Inside it was as chaotic as I had left it, but I somehow managed to make it to Maria all in one piece.

She looked up from her work, weary smile on her face, "Hi, Y/N."

"Hey, Maria. Dan said you wanted to see me?"

"I-yeah, yeah. Give me a second to finish this up," She gathered up the papers she was working on, and if I didn't know better I'd have said she was attempting to hide them from me.

Glass Bones, Glass Heart: Yandere X readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora