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The capital was just as cold as Ezake.

That was disappointing. I was hoping for it to even just be a smidgen warmer, but I guess not. Of course it was winter, so there was that. It would probably warm up some in a few months I supposed. I planned to be there long enough to witness that.

It was, pretty, I guess the right word was. We were still out in the bay, getting closer by the second. There was a more modern look to it, different then my home that was for sure. No clouds, smoke, or other, covering up the dark expansion of sky. It was strange for me personally, since it was the middle of the afternoon. I was used to seeing it at night, not constantly throughout the the day. The only way you could tell was that the sun was up there in place of one of the moons.

Maria stood beside me on the railing. Not saying much of anything. She was only answering my questions with one word answers. I assumed it was because of what had happened below deck. She wasn't stupid, she knew I had overheard or paid attention to at least some of the conversation. I took her silence as a gift though, I didn't need a half-hearted apology. Another one at that if I chose to not believe Kae's sincereness.

I let both of them go for the time being. I didn't care at that point what any of the crew thought of me. At the end of this I either went back to Ezake or became a queen. All their job was was to make me look as good as they could. If they couldn't handle it, that wasn't my problem.

Of course, on the other hand I got their perspectives. Whether or not they liked me or hated me they were apparently ordered to be my crew. If they truly 'forced' into doing so, then I can't blame any one of them for some resentment.

Any screw up I made, any success, one way or another it traced back to them. That could be a make or break situation for them in general. And that's not even going into any problems that could-and likely would-arise from my caste.

'Don't be so hard on yourself. They knew what they were getting into when they agreed to be your team.'

'Well you're new. Where have you been for however long?'

'Pardon? It's still me, I've just decided to take a different approach.'

'You're just a lot... nicer sounding than I remember.'

'I adapt to help fit your state of mind. Can we focus back on the topic at hand?'

'Sure, fine. They may have agreed but I doubt they planned on getting this far,' To be honest I didn't even expect to get that far. Although that was before I knew Blitz was the Prince. Which complicated things. If only he was just the simple greenhorn I thought he was when we met. The changes there would be.

'Maybe, but it's their own business to not have prepared for such an outcome.'

'I guess so, I just don't want anything that happens to them to be because of me.'

'You can't change whatever plan it is that fate has for you. Only be ready to combat it to the best of your ability.'

'You sure you're okay? I don't believe I've ever talked like you are now in my whole life.'

'Like I said, I adapt. It also didn't help that you took medication a little while ago, it messes with me.'

'Good to know for next time you decide to be a bitch,' I could start to make out figures lined along the docks. Faintly heard their shouts as well.

'For right now, I'll be more like this. Unless you give me a reason not to be.'

'Shallow attempt at a threat, we are the same person. I can call your bullshit because I know how you think.'

Glass Bones, Glass Heart: Yandere X readerWhere stories live. Discover now