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Hello my lovelies. It has been far too long. I can give you my long, and truthful, list of excuses but what it boils down to is sports, school, and Dying Days. I have missed this story so much you guys have no idea. I'll talk more at the end, go enjoy this little chapter. Side note: I bamboozled y'all again. As of now Bone-Jones is a champion and not a general. Ignore this if you weren't here for that before. This is the last time I change the content though I promise.

 I don't believe I'd ever been in a room so loud, yet so silent at the same time. I looked down at my options, then at the two people in front of me. One of them was trying to play it cool, though I knew he was faking it for once. The other... was a mess of a human being. Both were drunk off their asses.

Which is why it was even funnier when I gave a glance at the first man, gave a nod, and laid down my card. He followed my lead. The second man does not, leading to a downfall of his own making.

I handed him another card, bored expression on my face, "Failure to follow the rule."

Blitz slammed his own deck down on the floor, "Game of Mao ends now. What in Maleno's name are you to up to? That's the third time that I've been penalized when there's nothing to penalize!"

Perseus and I burst out laughing.

"It's called adding a rule, dumbass."

"You can't add rules, that's not fair."

"That's how you play the game!" I protest, Percy was still howling, gripping his sides.

"Fine, new rule then: every time either of you make up a rule, you have to tell me first."

"Blitz you have to actually win a round to make up one. And you won what, last game?" I raised an eyebrow.

He just pouted in response, "I can't help that you're both cheating."

"We're not cheating you skinny-ass privileged princeling," Percy said, "When did you get so sensitive?"

"When did you get so mean?"

Stars almighty they were out of it, I put my hands up, "Boys, boys, you're both handsome. No need to argue about it," I checked my watch, "Besides I think it's time I take my leave. We're suppose to arrive in what, an hour?"

"Hour and five minutes precisely," Percy answered, checking his own watch.

"Yeah, I'm guessing the team probably wants to doll me up quickly beforehand. So I'm going back to my cabin before there's a widespread panic. Besides, I think you two need time to sober up."

Blitz waved his hand, ignoring my last comment, "Just say you were with me or Percy. That's what I do when I'm not where I'm suppose to be."

"Gee, that's sounds like a great idea. Perseus which reflects back better on me? I was with the Crown Prince or his top Guardsman?"

"Both. If you want to leave the best of impressions that is," He grinned and I rolled my eyes.

Blitz looked between us, "I don't get it."

I picked up my winnings, which included Blitz's signet ring, Percy's scarf, and a small pile of credits. I went over to the cabin window, popping it open and peaking out slowly. I looked back and forth and thankfully, it's clear.

"Percy will explain, sweetie. I'll see you guys when everything is settled. Drink some water in the mean time so you don't make fools of yourselves," I gave a quick salute and climbed out the window.

"Don't worry about us. You should know I'm great at aftercare," Perseus called.

I couldn't hold in my laugher. I started to walk back down to my own floor when I heard a loud shout behind me,

Glass Bones, Glass Heart: Yandere X readerWhere stories live. Discover now