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 ~First person point of view~

Honestly I don't know what I expected when the first day of the festival finally reared its ugly head. I'll tell you what I didn't expect, a 'How to make the Prince love you' kit on my doorstep. It came in a medium sized box wrapped in silver paper. I figured they'd gotten the wrong address, but when I saw my name on the tag, I decided to take a peak inside.

It wasn't very heavy, but I could tell there was a whole lotta something in that thing. There was a letter with the royal insignia on the top, but I tossed it to the side for the time being. The box was my main priority at that moment. I peeled off the paper and opened it. Inside... was more, smaller, boxes. Hooray.

I opened one box and found a makeup kit of sorts, donned with many different options. Though one of the main were the current colors of the royal family, silver, dark blues, and black. It was pretty and all, but I'd practically forgotten how to do makeup after such a long time of not doing it. You didn't exactly wear stuff like that to unload nets of fish or crates of machinery. I tossed that to the side and moved to the next.

The next one had little bottles and jars of what I assumed was bath wash and perfume. I took a whiff of one and expected to gag. I was surprised when I was instead met with the soothing aroma of lavender and vanilla. I liked it, surprisingly. Which was strange because I wasn't usually a fan of fancy smelling crude.

I set that box of items aside and went to another one. That one had jewelry of all sorts inside. There seemed to be many options to choose from in this box. Many sets of expensive gemstones laid sprawled out inside the box. Each one had the basics of a pair of earrings, a necklace, a hair pin, and a ring. Different colors and cuts made each set unique from the last. I marveled at the different sets before snapping out of my daze and moving on. There was still more to discover in the treasure trove.

I finally made it to the bottom of the box, where I pulled out one final item. Inside the final package, was a dress. It was absolutely stunning. And that's coming from someone who doesn't wear dresses. Floor length with lace sleeves, it was a dazzling piece. What caught my eye the most though, was the color. Specifically, the fact that it was my favorite color; F/C.

I whistled. Whoever sent the stuff had to of been out of their mind. It had to be worth a ton of money. They sure were going all out for it. I shook my head at what a waste it all was. Giving away all those nice things for a two week long event. That's what I assumed anyway. What else would it be for? I couldn't have been the only one who got all that; furthermore if I did, why?

I looked over to the letter, still sitting unopened on my table. I walked over and grabbed it and looked it over thoroughly. It was official, that was for sure. As I rubbed my finger on the Crown of Thorns stamped onto the back I could tell that much. I usually got those type of letters from the government a lot. Typically about money though. There was no return address, just my name written in neat handwriting at the bottom.

I tore it open and pulled out the single sheet inside. I began to skim over it and automatically noticed that this was no letter from the government, it was handwritten. No, this was from someone I thought would have forgotten me by then. Even if the last time we talked was a few days prior. Down at the very end of the letter, was a signature I had come to know from paying for drinks at the bar.


I know you made your decision, and it tears me apart that you chose what you did, but I respect you for it. You made the choice that I wasn't willing to make. I want you to know I miss you terribly already and I wish things were different. I truly do. Since they aren't, at least let me get you a winning shot at the Prince. Don't worry about the price of everything, I just compiled what I knew you liked and what I believed he might like. I also knew that whatever you don't use or wear you could probably pawn off for some solid cash. I still believe you should avoid the Ball if at all possible, but you do what you know is best. If this is the last time I get to say it, thank you for giving me a chance. You have no idea what it means to me.

Glass Bones, Glass Heart: Yandere X readerWhere stories live. Discover now