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I have no words.

Literally all of the drawings had ended with a higherup being picked.

I'd been sitting there for about two hours, listening to them pick out the reps from each province, and every single one was an abominal. They weren't even being subtle about it at that point. Not that anyone was complaining, not really. It was better for an abominal to be choosen than a lower in the sense that there would be little to no outrage about it. Sure some lower caste member may want to have a more even playing field, but the backlash from the rich and powerful wouldn't make it worth it.

It just sucked for me because all it meant was that I had to up my game that much more. People like me, I could deal with. People not completely like me but pretty close, sure why not. But women almost entirely different? There was going to be an issue or two. Look at how I dealt with Wilkrune, sure it was fun in the moment but I couldn't use that strategy on every woman that showed up.

I pick at what was left of my meal. Which was quite a bit. Not that I wasn't starving and ate as much as I could, there was just so much. I usually ate that amount of food in a week's time instead of one sitting. Guess that was another thing on the list of stuff I needed to get used to. Currently at the top of that was having people wait on me night and day.

It took more effort than I was comfortable with to convince Lake and Shelly that I would be fine on my own for the rest of the evening. Lake wasn't the most happy about it, apparently they were told at least one of them needed to be in my room constantly. And since I didn't like the idea of someone watching me sleep, much less spend so much of their time with me, I simply stated it was my direct order for them to take care of themselves and if there was an issue to let me know.

I set my plate to the side and got up. Turning the radio down I walked over to the balcony doors and outside. It was absolutely freezing out, but it felt good on my skin. Much more natural than the heat of the palace. What could I say, I grew up in one of the coldest places on the planet, I was used to it.

Since I quit cigs a few days prior, I had nothing to fiddle with, leaving my hands to mess with the banister in an attempt to soothe my jitters. I'd been holding strong so far, hadn't touched the packs that were hidden away in my dresser drawer unless it was to move them. I needed to get rid of them completely, but I knew doing that was going to send me straight into withdraw. I was going to have to wean off of them slowly if I wanted to quit for good.

It might have been silly, but it was still getting to me that people found out about what happened on my forms. Stars knows what they'd managed to get on me so far and the competition hadn't even started yet. On the one hand it was pushing me to get off of a bad habit, on the other, I didn't like others being the push and pull in my decision making.

'That's of your own making though, you're the one in control in the end.'

'Oh you're back, I was starting to get worried.'

'I never left, where would I go anyhow?'

'Eh you were quieter than you usually are, I thought by now you would have said something snarky. Or bitchy. Or both.'

'Like I said before, I'm using different tactics now. Different place, different methods to help you.'

'I wouldn't goes as far to say that you help me, more that you just give me something to bounce ideas off of.'

'That's helpful isn't it?'

'You've got me there, still a bitch though.'

'Whatever makes you happy.'

Glass Bones, Glass Heart: Yandere X readerWhere stories live. Discover now