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~First Person Point of View~

"I fucking knew it," I slapped a hand down on the table and looked away.

"This is why I didn't want to tell you!"

"Well I would've been more pissed if you hadn't so now it's done and over with. I can't believe, I saw the signs, I just," I was at a loss for words.

He didn't speak, and neither did I. I knew I shouldn't have been pissed. I take that back, I shouldn't have been completely pissed. I could try to understand it at least.

I didn't think he was trying to hurt me. I mean stars, the man was incredibly powerful and to think he hadn't gotten me sent to a rehab center for the stuff I'd said is just... I didn't even know. If anything him hiding it would've been to protect me. He was probably risking tons to even be there right then. We both knew the rules. We aren't suppose to associate. He's above me. I'm below him.

So why was he there?

"What house?"

That's right. I still didn't even know his goddamn last name. Didn't even know if Blitz was his real name or not. But I might as well try and pick up the ashes to the conversation.

He toyed with the tablecloth, "Kirzen."

It made sense, all the pieces added up. The money, the guards, the warmth.

Kirzen's were blazers. People of fire. Could ignite the pure air itself if they wanted. Bodies like a furnace it was rumored. Confirmed by yours truly. They were also a small house, very very small. Only a few members were left. Many had been bred into the royal family, which might explain why I didn't recognize his face as a court member, they had slim to no representatives. In Ezake anyway.


He knew what I meant, and spoke, "That life, it's difficult for me. Having to put on an act. Pretend that I relish in having so much power over others, being horrible just because I can, it's not enjoyable. I don't like that. When I'm at the bar, or with you, it's not as miserable. I'm free for even a short expanse of time."

"So that day at the docks..."

"My parents were concerned about why I wasn't at the Welcome Ceremony."

"Persues isn't your coworker?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Bodyguard and part-time friend."

"And you have no criminal record?"

"Nothing that hasn't been able to be covered up with money," He scratched at the back of his neck.

I couldn't help myself, "And the girl?"

"As I said, it's my choice in the end, and it's for sure a no."

"May I ask the real reason why?" Stars you're desperate, Y/N.

He shivered, "Guardsman. I mean Percy is a lovey person but I can't handle two of them at the same time. For the rest of my life for that matter. She also, truly is, a total bitch."

"Ah." Can't blame him there. Guardsmen are useless without Amarax around but that didn't make them any less creepy. No offense to Perseus. Though then I understood why I couldn't look him in the eyes most days.

Silence covered us once more.


"What?" Blitz looked to me, confused.

I shrugged, "I said alright. I get it. Why you didn't tell me."

"So you aren't upset?"

"Oh no I'm still furious," I stared daggers at him, "But I get it. Although I don't get why you went out of your way to spend time with lil' ol' me in the first place."

Glass Bones, Glass Heart: Yandere X readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant