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Hello again, hope y'all have been good, currently while writing this I have the virus. It is not fun, do not recommend. (FUTURE TWI HERE I'M ALL GOOD JUST CAN'T SMELL STILL) Here's the next chapter, enjoy.

"What do you think?"

"It's very," I spun around, "Poofy. But not overly poofy. Just enough."

It was a purple dress, close to lilac near the top. And as stated it was poofy, but not as much as a typical ballgown style dress. The skirt was multiple sheer layers of various other shades of purple, from eggplant to lavender. It was another sleevless dress, but to my understanding we wouldn't be outside at all on Monday, so I was somewhat fine with it.

"I knew you would like it, once again my design choice is impeccable. I will bring over the rest of next week's designs tomorrow and we will review them then, yes?" Celius was making notes of measurements as he removed pins from the dress.

I was about to agree but Maria piped up, "You'll have to do it early. She has the afternoon and evening blocked out."

"Wait what am I doing tomorrow?"

"The Prince will be taking the opportunity to get to know you and your competition better before the festivities on Monday. You'll be getting a one on one session with him before and after which you'll be socializing with your fellow maidens."

"Oh, so speed dating then."

Confusion flashed over Maria's face, "...Yes?"

"You know, speed dating? You have a certain amount of time with each person and then you rotate-and I've lost you. Nevermind then." Of all the things I expected to not be commonplace in higher society speed dating wasn't one of them.

"Anyway, that'll take up most of your afternoon and part of your evening. You'll want to go to bed early because Remberance starts at sunrise the following day."

"Why sunrise?" I asked as my maids rushed me to the bathroom to change into the clothes I was wearing for that day.

That day I was going to try and get away with some leggings and a long sleeve shirt with ruffles down the front. I'd be once again conversing with my fellow maidens for the majority of the afternoon. Since it was to be just us, I saw no reason to get overly dolled up and no where to go. My hair and makeup would be done though. Only because Kae and Nicius wanted to practice before Monday. Otherwise I would have gone as I was.

"Sunrise here is roughly 3pm in Rokshre." Maria answered before I entered the bathroom.

Lake must have saw the confusion on my face, "When Deado Dame Am died, or at least the presumed time because it's recorded from that point death became unattainable."

"Ah. That is a bit... morbid." I went behind the room divider and started to change.

Shelly threw my clothes for the day over the top, "Finally someone fucking says something. I've never understood it either, my Lady."

I paused, then stuck my fist out from behind the divider, "Never understanding abominal culture?"

She bumped my fist full force, kind of hurt, "Never understanding abominal culture."

I got changed and stepped out again, only to be swarmed by my maids taking the purple dress and Kae and Nicius coming in to take their place. They were fairly quick, Nic asked about my eye, Kae commented on me possibly needing a haircut. Once they were finished I was back out in my bedroom, going over a few things with Danuck.

"Just remember proper posture at all times is key. If there's a camera, spine rigid, shoulders back. If and only if it's facing away from you can you take a brief break."

Glass Bones, Glass Heart: Yandere X readerWhere stories live. Discover now