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~First Person Point of View~

Three 'o clock rolled around faster then I thought it would. By then the upper docks became a flood of activity. News spread fast in Ezake. Docks were swarmed with people. All stepping over each other to get a look at the Royals and their big fancy ship coming in. I had to give them credit, they knew how to make an entrance.

I wasn't paying much attention though, as I still had other items to load and unload. Got behind from my chat with Gordon. Not that I minded, all it equaled for me was extra hours. Which I couldn't have been more pleased about. I managed to finish the last stack fairly quickly and with that went on break.

Sitting atop one stack, I pulled out a cigarette pack from my coat pocket. I take one out and flick on my lighter. Taking a drag, I relaxed and looked back up to the upper docks. Even more people had crowded the place. I shook my head and breathed out. How people could be so excited about such a mundane thing, I would never understand.

While on break, I made a mental note to stop by Vlad's 'fishing boat' before I headed home for the day. Might as well let him know before he left and came back in however many months for me. And I wasn't there. That'd really piss him off considering he only was coming back for me in the first place.

'He'll get over it. Eventually.'

'You better hope so. Otherwise you're never getting out of this hell hole.'

'You know on second thought maybe I should go tell him now. Save myself some trouble.'

I headed in that direction, just barely avoiding Hans and anyone else that might snitch on me. Not that they would, no one likes Hans and if they told on me they'd probably also get yelled at. Not worth the headache.

I was more than surprised to see Vlad out on the deck of his boat. Usually he hides away inside, not even trying to pretend he's a fisherman. The closer I got the more I noticed the new gear he had installed. Or rather, was trying to install. Somebody must've caught wind of what he was up to as I could see how badly he was shaking from 20 ft away.

I whistled, half-scaring the poor bastard. That didn't stop him from cracking a smile like it was nothing.

"Well, well, lazin' 'bout on the job are we, L/N?"

"On break, smartass. But if you don't want to see me that's fine, I'll be on my way."

He grinned again, waving his hand to come aboard.

I hopped over the ledge easy enough, the boat shaking ever so slightly from my arrival, "Whatcha workin' on?"

"Ah, new lines for these blasted poles 'ere. The threadin's all out of whack so now I've got to go through and do it meself."

I sat down on a box beside him watching as he cursed and started all over again.

"Want some help? I'm no expert, but I'll be damned if I'm not better than you."

"Be my guest, if I 'ave to stand 'ere and fuck with this any longer I'll throw myself overboard." He dropped his hands to his sides, sighing, "Oh all the tings I could have chosen, why in gods' name was it fishin'?"

I set to work on the closet line to me, "Because you don't think half the time. You just do. No offense."

"None taken. You 'ave to give me credit though. For the most part it usually works in me favor."

"Oh believe me, I know."

He was right. While using a fishing boat as a cover wasn't his brightest idea, Vlad was excellent when it came to his actual profession. Smooth talker and fast seller, he had done well at making himself a name in the criminal underworld. The only reason he hadn't gotten caught was because he changed his looks and the look of his boat every couple of months. Granted no one ever saw his face, but you could never be too careful.

Glass Bones, Glass Heart: Yandere X readerWhere stories live. Discover now