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I completely forgot to post this for the reason you see below. Apologies.

HELLO READ THIS FOR ME PLEASE THANK YOU. So I know I said that we were going all the way to thirty in one go, but I think now that plan has to change. NOT because I can't update consistently (everything is heavily outlined and some major sections are already written) but rather I feel that if I did the quality wouldn't be what I wanted it to be. I wrote the three previous chapters (totaling 45 pages) pretty much back to back with little time to think in between. I have a certain standard that I set for myself when it comes to my writing and while I have immensely enjoyed writing and re-reading the recent chapters (20-now) I feel that they're missing something essential that makes them apart of this story, if that makes sense. So, I will be posting the chapter you see here, and then going back to working full time on some stuff for Dying Days. Not posting necessarily as I have a LOT of work that I need to do first, but basically putting my attention back on that until I get out of whatever funk I've been in. Timeline wise you guys know I'm bad at estimating so I'll just say give me like the majority of this semester to write for DD and THEN the other half of the semester to get back to writing for here and then posting again around April/May (at the latest). My classes are also SUPER intense this semester (each and every one of them decided to go full force, for some reason, that's what I get for being an ME major) so it's hard to keep my head above water as is. I think focusing on them for a bit will also keep me less stressed about making good content and I can take the time to enjoy what I write when I have the free time to do it. I hope you all can understand (what am I saying the majority of you have been here since 2018, you're faithful and I appreciate it) and when I start working on this again I hope I can make the impression that I want to make with this story, quality-wise AND plot-wise. Thank you for your support as always and I hope you enjoy :)

Warning: If you aren't a fan of needles I suggest caution while reading this chapter as they are mentioned more than once. Starting directly below this sentence.

"I'm sorry, you're going to what?"

"I'm gonna stick this in your neck and you'll be speaking pure Tarantin in a matter of seconds."

It was the Tuesday after I'd woke up. I'd been on bedrest since the previous week and that had been the first day the crew had seen me since. Blitz had barred them and anyone else for that matter, from seeing me unless it was for visitation reasons. Since I'd been feeling overall less weak the night prior, he agreed they could come in and do their jobs. On the condition they didn't stay too long. Not because I'd be tired out but rather he had the full intention of sleeping over again that night and he would be there as soon as he was done for the day. Or close to it.

Deciding to deal with that when I'd come to it, I was rather focused on the issue at hand. With Gronswin approaching and I having no idea how to speak any language besides Jonesin, the crew-specifically Maria and Glen-had brought with them a translator for me to get practice before the big day. The problem? I now understood Blitz's detest for the things.

On the outside, they looked like flat little white disks, with a slightly elevated center. I'd seen them worn by Blitz and his father both during the Address, and by any international news reporter. What nobody had bothered to mention was that underneath the disk was tens of thin, jointed needles, each a couple inches in length.

It was one of the most horrifying abominations I had ever seen and I didn't doubt for a second that they did itch like hell. I had a feeling they had crawled out of it in the first place.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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