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~First Person (reader) Point of View~

Well, that certainly was not the night that I was expecting. Even the day after I was still reeling from how it all came about. Even now, after the fact, I can still feel the shock that I felt then.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention please."

I was the only one who knew what was coming, I'd say it made me feel 'special' but the better term for what I was experiencing was unease.

"After having the opportunity to meet with all the phenomenal women I could tonight, I have come to a decision."

You could probably hear a pin drop in that moment.

"After some heavy thinking," More like last minute planning.

"I have found that in order to do what is best for this country, as well as myself-"

I actually didn't want to hear him say it.

"-I have no other choice but to commence the Process."

As expected, it was not taken well by anyone. One woman passed out. Which was funny but I didn't find it best to laugh at the time. Didn't have it in me either. Of course I was prepared for it, it wasn't as big an issue to me. I was actually apart of the reason it even happened in the first place. Not that anyone needed to know that.

To say the least though, I was glad I decided to stay outside and finish up my smoke before going in to that chaos. I was fairly calm throughout the ordeal like I said, better then most. But I realized it was because I was in a bit of a daze up until that point, back home a day later and free to spill my thoughts how I chose.

I was out on some terrace in the Winter Palace. It was pretty clear so you could see two of the moons and some stars. I'd been in that ballroom and the halls surronding it for hours and when I finally couldn't bring myself to fake smile any longer, I knew I needed to get out. It was easier than I thought it'd be. Seemed everyone was distracted with watching Blitz.

Personally I didn't really get the chance to speak to him. We'd made eye contact on a few different occasains, but that was it. Given his situation though I was fine with that. I'd come to terms with how things were going to go. Perseus filled me in on the girl he was supposed to be choosing. She looked pretty, in a terrifying way. I could only hope she was smart for the country's sake. Maleno knows Blitz wasn't.

I let out a puff of air, having already finished my cigarette, "I need to steal a bottle of that Mayberry wine before I leave. Probably never going to get a chance to drink some again."

"You know I can just send you a bottle or two. There's no reason to resort to stealing."

I chuckle, turning around to face him, "I might have to take you up on that, then. If that offer is legitimate."

Blitz continued his walk towards me, "Of course, though it would only be the two bottles. It's quite addicting as I'm sure you know."

"I know," he made it over to me and I sigh, "Good evening, Your Highness."

"Good evening, Y/N."

I leaned back against the banister, "Come to indulge the commoner, have you?"

"If you'll have me I'd like nothing more."

"Is that because you need a break or because you've come to say goodbye?"

"Bit of the first one, something related with the second," He hopped up onto the ledge, offering his hand down to me.

I take it and climbed up, "Oh? Please go on," I settled down beside him.

Glass Bones, Glass Heart: Yandere X readerWhere stories live. Discover now