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~First Person Point of View~


Work is an awful thing. Sure, if I got paid more and the conditions were better, I wouldn't have been complaining...as much. But I didn't get paid much, sometimes it felt like I didn't get paid at all. I mean I wasn't bad off as I could of been yes, and I was grateful for what I had, it's just life could have been better. Not that what I say made any difference in the matter.

No one cared, we were all poor. The only ones that weren't are the Higher-Ups. Though all they care about is power. And they had practically all that they could already; but even though they did, they still wanted more.

Never understood that, and I liked to believe I understood most things. For a lower caste member, I'd manage to get myself a somewhat decent education for being as close to the bottom on the food chain that I was. Which is pretty low mind you. Not that I was necessarily proud of that fact but I thought I'd share.

I have to thank my uncle for my knowledge if I was being truthful, man taught me everything he knew. He was 'employed' to one of the Ezake High House families. I say 'employed' as it's better compared to being a servant that every so often receives a couple of credits here and there, even if he claimed otherwise. Family he worked for last name starts with Quartz- I think? Quartz something I know that. I didn't pay attention, they didn't care about me and I sure as hell didn't care about them.

Uncle Ray said that the people he worked for treated him well so I just kept my mouth shut and nodded my head. Played along so not to upset him. Whatever suited his fancy I guess. Personally I'd never been one for an office job. Cramped up with no place to go, filing and editing papers all day. Sounded like a damn nightmare.

Me? I was a dock worker. Sure, I could have been a seamstress, or a maid, or some other, feminine job that the government suggested I do, but that's not what I liked. I liked looking out at the lonely gray sea. Hearing the gulls screech and the waves roar. The bleak and bustling routine that I fell into is what I'm comfortable with, what I was used to. I also liked catching a glimpse at freedom. And although it had taken about the better half of a decade or so, I thought might just get it.

A friend of mine worked in the smuggling business. From what he told me, there's places out there still untouched by the wake of anyone on the planet. Mostly over in Rokshre. Where even after centuries of exploration, they still haven't managed to chart it all. Granted, that's mostly due to it being the largest country on the planet, give or take.

Problem with that is it wasn't opening up anytime soon from what I heard; what with them being in isolation for the past stars knew how long. You would think with the rise of rebels and wars going on right outside their doorstep they would have stepped in but you'd of been surprised. Got to hand it to Devil Dom, he was pretty protective of his territory and people. Maybe too much so. That's not my business though.

But it was fascinating to me, how other countries work. Yes, many followed along with the basic monarchy system-I don't know any places that don't now that you mention it-and the basic set of laws that go along with the Big Six, but still. Being cooped up there all my life I hadn't gotten a good view of the world. It's a big planet, there's lots of places I could have gone. Sure many of them are the same conditions as home but I'd take what I could get. Even if I could just get out of the kingdom at that point I'd have been pleased. It was just too good to pass up.

Originally, the plan was to stow away on a merchant ship that was passing through Courandone-my home country-and see where they went. I'd get off at one of the ports they made in a country better suited for my tastes-maybe Tressels or Maste since Rokshre is out of the picture-and live out my days there. Maybe even join the rebellion and rip apart people in an incredibly violent and unnecessary manner. That could have been fun. At that point, anywhere and anything but there sounded good to me.

Glass Bones, Glass Heart: Yandere X readerWhere stories live. Discover now