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Blitz went into action fairly quickly. Once I was standing he pulled out a handkerchief and put it to my nose, "Hold this, lean forward, and pinch your nose. Can you walk?"

I was still in denial of what was happening, that it was him, but I pulled myself together enough for an answer, "Yeah-yes, I think so."

"Alright, we'll take it slow. Walk with me."

Slow and steadily he guided me along behind him, and without having much a choice I followed. I stumbled now and then, my head pounding but I didn't care. The same thought just kept rolling over and over in my head, 'Blitz is the Prince. He's the Prince. He lied to me. How am I this stupid?'

I was in shock, that's all there was to it. What the hell else was I suppose to be? He was the Prince. The same Prince that had me there in the first place. Same one I was in the competition to marry. It was him. I just, I can't,

"Hey, can you hear me?"

I blinked, we'd made it to the stage without a fuss it seemed. People were watching, stars were they watching us, but I couldn't tell what they were thinking was happening. I was sitting down in a seat in the far back corner, and Blitz was leaning down in front of me, concern washed over his features.

My voice rung in my head, "I can hear you."

"Alright, good. That's good," He squeezed my hand, "You took quite the fall back there. Do you think that you need medical attention?"

I shook my head. He was acting weird. Way to, gentlemanly for him, but maybe that was because that's how he was supposed to be. Now that I thought about it it reminded me of when we first met. Or did he not realize it was me? I didn't know, everything was so messed up in my head.

I'd play along, "I'll be okay. I've had worse before," I smiled but I was literally screaming in my head. This is not happening to me, I refused.

Oh stars he smiled back. That was him, it was actually him, "I know you have."

'Fuck he does know it's me. That makes this even worse. What are these feelings inside my chest? Go away feelings, this is not the time.'

We just stared at each other for a little while after that. Me trying to get the hounds settled down in my brain, him rubbing circles in my hand while I did so. I would say it was peaceful if not for the crowd that was roaring around us.

I noticed that other maidens had started to sit down around us, but Blitz-or wait did I call him Prince Blitzen? I didn't know-had his eyes on me. I'd always been able to read him like a book, but not that time it seemed. He'd put up a wall, a friendly one yes, but still a wall. There was one thing that I saw slipping through though; guilt.

He was filled to the brim with it. All it would probably take was someone to just ever so slightly push him over the edge and it would all pour out in one gooey, emotional mess.

"Your highness, if I may interrupt-"

"No need. You're quite alright," He stood up, yet did not let go of my hand, "Though I'm afraid the Lady here is not. Please, find the nearest medic and have them do a quick analysis on her. If it's serious then have them do whatever may be needed."

The attendant who shut down our little staring contest nodded quickly before speeding off. Blitz looked back to me.

He gave another small smile, how he was feeling really starting to show, and leaned down so he was level with my ear, "Skinner's. Eight o'clock sharp," Pause, "Please."

I didn't say anything, my shock and my headache screwing with my words. So I only gave a brief nod telling him I'd be there.

It satisfied him enough I guess. For he stood up again, gave me one more look, and dropped my hand and walked away. I watched him go stand over by the king-who I guess was actually his dad, yikes-at the podium. My thoughts finally gathered enough to make something coherent.

Glass Bones, Glass Heart: Yandere X readerWhere stories live. Discover now