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I am back. If all went to plan, hopefully I will be back for some time now. As of writing this I have just finished editing the first 16 (technically 15 now since I switched some stuff around) chapters. I have also just started writing this one. It was my goal to write out at least five chapters before I began evening thinking of releasing again. As my main issues with the previous chapters was consistency issues and I did not want them to occur again. SO if future me will be so kind to confirm whether or not I managed this we would all be appreciative. Go read the chapter and I hope you enjoy it. (Future Twi here, we managed to get the five done)

 It was certainly... Bright, inside the hall. Though that may have been from all the camera flash I was being subjected to at that moment. Whatever, I was expecting it from the second I stepped foot into the place and I wasn't surprised by it then. Maybe annoyed, but not surprised.

I couldn't see for shit but I was hoping that my smile wasn't faltering because of it. I could just barely focus the back of Ori's head from here. Thankfully, the servant I was promised to guide me steered me in the right direction. Also thankfully, I was sat between Oriana and Wilkrune with the girls from Banes also at our table.

The room was set up in a manner that had multiple levels for seating. The bottom, ground level had a few tables that were spread out across the available space. Mostly reporters and the likes filled it but I saw some well-dressed people flitting about. Up a few steps you had the next level which formed a u-shape around the room. There were many more higherups on this level, all looking to be from differing houses with their colors and dress.

From there there were two more levels seperated into tiers for the different high houses. There were ten in total, eleven if you counted the royals-I'll get to that in a second-and you could tell who was who for sure. They wore their colors with pride, their Heads the most obvious about it. Couldn't name anyone to save my life but you could tell who they were from their positions on the 'towers' and their attire.

Lastly against the back wall of the room was where the Royal Family was sat. Their section had the same base level that circled the room, then three tiers which in order were the extended family of House Satanos, the level with the Maidens-including yours truly-and finally the level where Blitz and his direct family were located.

I didn't enjoy being wedged between in the manner that we were, made me uneasy as you can imagine, but at the very least it was the safest spot in the room for me given the 'allies' I had at my disposal. A prince and princess both, a best friend, and a Cosmian I was almost positive wouldn't throw me to the wolves.

Once we got settled in and drinks were served Blitz stood and raised his glass, "Welcome everyone, to the first offical day of the Process. I want to thank you all for being here. Given the situation with recent rebel activity along the border I wouldn't have blamed you hiding away someplace quiet." Quiet laughter traveled throughout the room, "Since you are here though, please raise your glasses to toast the women who have chosen to take time out of their lives to compete for my heart."

I didn't need to look to feel the eyes on us then. I was starting to get used to it though, it wasn't as sickening as it had been back in Ezake, or on the trip into Rigos. Still incredibly uncomfortable, but less unbearable.

Since it was the respectful thing to do, and as you know I was incredibly respectful of others, I focused my gaze on Blitz. Our eyes never met, but I chocked that down to him trying to not play favorites with each girl. Stars knew that those cameras were going to track his every move so people could gossip about it later. And we all already know what happened last time Blitz payed me even the slightest bit of attention.

Glass Bones, Glass Heart: Yandere X readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora