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"If you had to pick just one, what emotion are you feeling right now?"

"Honestly, it would probably be nervousness."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well there's lots of reasons really, this whole 'competition' hasn't even started yet, and here I am already in the top 20. Because of that I'm being interviewed right now by you. It's a bunch to take in on such short notice."

"Oh, and what about the Prince? Aren't you excited about that, about the fact that you get to meet him? Surely you must feel something being a Skimmer and-"

"Please don't call me that."

"I'm sorry?"

"Skimmer. Please do not call me that."

"But that's what you are hon," A laugh, ever so slightly mocking, "Unless you put it down on the forms wrong. Which happens."

I did my best to hold in a sigh. This was the third reporter in a row. I was getting tired, "It's, different. When you say it. Please if you're going to address my caste just use Beastilian. As for your question, my feelings on his Royal Highness are up in the air. I've never met him, so really, I can't feel much for him. Though I'm sure that once I do I'll be able to have some sort of idea of the type of person he's like."

"Do you think, that even with your caste status, he would ever pick you?"

Oh hell no. That's ridiculous. I bet my hat on it for a reason. I didn't say that though, since it was a feature that all the world will be seeing. I gave a polite smile, "I believe that what ever decision he decides to make will be what is best for Couradone. Whatever that decision may be."

"An excellent answer. Well that looks to be all the time we have. It was wonderful to meet you Y/N," The woman shook my hand, then straight after not so discretely wiped it off on her clothes. Seriously what is with these people and the hand-wiping? I was at the time legitimately the cleanest I'd been in months, "I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow at the first event."

I nodded, jaw tight and ready to punch her square in the nose, "The same to you, ma'am."

The cameras shut off and Maria rushed over to me, helping me out of my chair when I needed no such effort, "That was great! You were perfect, Y/N. Just like the last few times. Danuck would be proud."

I gave a half-hearted smile, "Thanks, are there anymore reporters or pictures or anything else I have to go through?"

She shook her head, "I turned them down. I knew you had to of been exhausted, so this was the last one for the day."

"Good," We'd been in the back area for hours at that point.

There'd been so many faces to come and go I wasn't able to keep track. I remembered the look on a lot of them though. Jealousy and anger made a major appearance. Hey ladies, if I could have gave the spot away I would have, it wasn't my choice.

It was a good thing I had Maria there beside me, my head was spinning. I couldn't believe all that had happened in that past day alone. I was in the top 20. I was going to meet the prince, whether I wanted to or not. I had already met his sister, and it had left me feeling worse then when she had attempted to comfort me.

To go even further, my face was going to be plastered on everyone's TV screen or briefly viewed over the radio at least four different times that night. And in the next day's news. I wouldn't be so hidden away anymore. I was going to be placed in the spotlight for those next two weeks nonstop. All because of some goddamn mother fucking number.

Glass Bones, Glass Heart: Yandere X readerWhere stories live. Discover now