Chapter 1 - Death Eater

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Author's note: This story has some mature content. It's usually pretty obvious when leading up to it, so fair warning:)

Headmaster Snape paced the floor, as was his habit lately, brooding over all that weighed on him. He had taken up residence in Dumbledore's old chambers after being granted the position of Headmaster following Dumbledore's death. The thought of what had transpired had wounded Severus to his soul. He could still feel the loss in the pit of his stomach. He knew that he had upheld his promise to Albus, but that did not do much to lessen the pain at the memory.

School at Hogwarts had not started yet, and Severus had orders from the Dark lord that he must perform tonight that he dreaded as much as any. He and several other Death Eaters were tasked with bringing in the half dozen students who were holed up in an abandoned building. They had no real home to return to, and yet did not want to return to Hogwarts because of the changing of the guard. Severus could understand their position, as he knew Hogwarts was not the same since Dumbledore's death. He also understood Voldemort's thinking, as the Dark lord did not want magical youths outside of the school and outside of his control. Since they were still tagged through the Ministry, they really had no place to hide. Severus would follow the Dark Lord's demands, knowing he would be more able to protect them at Hogwarts, even with the constraints of Ministry and Voldemort.

Severus Snape made his way to the tower, concealing his face with the mask he wore as a Death Eater, and mounted his broom. He would rendezvous at Malfoy Manor, and then fly to London under the cover of darkness.

They flew in and surrounded the building. Severus saw a flicker of a candle in one of the windows. They were to each take one of the students and bring them back unharmed... if possible.

These students were living on the outskirts of muggle society, by choice or necessity, as some were orphaned or unwanted, so none would be missed if they were to meet an unfortunate fate. He was determined to not let that happen.

Severus grabbed his robe and pulled it over him just before flying into one of the windows, breaking through. He heard other windows break as other Death Eaters made their forced entry. There were three students huddled around a candle and two others sleeping on makeshift pallets on the floor. He wordlessly motioned for his fellow Death Eaters to grab them, and he flew through the building to go look for last one. He flew from room to room, finally reaching an open door leading to the roof. He flew up the stairs and into the open air of the night. It was dark except for the pale light of the city, as the clouds had covered the moon. He landed his broom and stopped to listen, hearing the whooshing sound of the other Death Eaters flying away with their captives.

He listened more intently. He heard a gasp of air, as if someone had been holding their breath too long and had to let it out to take in another quick breath. He moved stealthy towards the source of the sound coming from behind an abandoned chimney stack. Suddenly, he felt a blunt force across his shoulders and head. He was lucky his shoulders took most of the brunt, or the force of the blow could have knocked him out. He cursed himself for not hearing someone sneaking up from behind. He thought there was one only more student left, so he was caught off guard by his attacker. He turned, but another blow landed against his chest as he turned. He lurched forward, grasping at the dark figure. Whoever it was was stronger than their size could account for, and was able to wiggle out of his grasp, landing a kick to his knee. He grunted and staggered, surprised at the speed of his attacker, who had ducked out of his sight before he could get a good look. Suddenly, the girl that had been hiding behind the chimney made a mad dash towards the stairs. He made a split decision to turn and grab her while he had the chance, and apparated with her back to Malfor Manor. He dumped her down on the floor, then told the Death Eater on guard he was going back for one more.

Severus reapperated back to the rooftop, hoping his attacker hadn't made it far in the minute he was gone. His broom was gone, and he immediately thought he could kick himself for leaving it. He took off flying into the dark, looking for whoever flew away on it. He thought it must have been another student, and most likely female from what he could tell the brief moment he had grabbed her. He sensed more than saw the change in the air around him, and looked to see a glimpse of movement up ahead as the broom darted around a building. He flew faster, catching up quickly. He saw the rider duck down an alley, and he followed. She was fast, but without the limited mobility of a broom, he was faster.

He flew up right behind, and then reformed onto the back of the broom, grabbing the rider around the waist with one arm and the broomstick with his other hand. He pulled up hard, flying high as to not give the rider a chance to try to ditch. She still struggled though, and he was afraid she would pull them both off. He saw a rooftop close by, and he steered for it. It was a rough landing, and they both hit hard, rolling off the broom. He stood quickly and sprinted towards her, tackling her before she could run.  He pinned her down, and she tried to fight him, kicking and thrashing.  He tried to hold her without causing her injury, but he was the one taking more damage at this point. "Enough!" Severus croaked out. She clawed at him and managed to pull off his mask, scratching at his face. He regained control of her wrists and pinned them beside her head. He heard her gasp, her eyes wide, and she suddenly went limp.

"Professor Snape! Noooo!" she said in an anguished cry, shaking her head in disbelief. He looked at her more closely. He knew her. She had graduated the two years prior. That's why the Ministry didn't account for her... she was too old to have a trace. She looked different, older, but he recognized her...Phoenie Adler. What he did next had no reasoning in his mind...he just did it. He apparated with her directly back to Hogwarts.

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